Everything posted by ScottLee
Fork Knows!
I just stumbled upon them while looking for parts on ebay. When you search parts on ebay they often give you a list of stuff you didn't ask for at the end of what you did ask for. As soon as I saw them I thought they looked familiar. Wasn't the exact ones but near enough to make me open a couple of parts pages on CMSNL. Went through a few years for that model until I found an exact match. More luck than anything 😊
Fork Knows!
I found them! You can all stop looking now 🙄🤭 They are DT just not 175MX which is what I was given them as. They're DT125LC MK1 In really good condition if anyone's looking for a pair? 🤔
Fork Knows!
Hi, Anyone know what these forks are off? Was given them with a load of DT parts but they're not DT. I can't see any manufacturer logos or part numbers on them. I've image searched and everything but can't find them. 🤷♂️
Allen Millyard Channel
I know this is an old thread but just to say I've watched a lot of his stuff recently and he has some current and old stuff up that's worth a look. Just WOW though. The man's a bloody genius! If nobody has seen his YouTube channel before go have a look. What he can't do with a hacksaw and a couple of old engines and frames isn't worth knowing about. His workmanship and attention to detail is something else and he makes it look so effortless. He's the motorcycling equivalent of an alchemist.
Crank Case Repair.
Thanks for the reply Neo, unfortunately this is the case with the engine number on and with the frame it's out of it's numbers matching. I really want to try and save it.
Crank Case Repair.
I don't do facebook but thanks for the suggestion👍 Not looking good for Kickstart either 😔 I found several down south so would have to post it off but would prefer somewhere I could drop off and collect in person to reduce the risk of losing them or them getting damaged in transit. Shame that, Manchester would have been doable 😑 Thanks anyway 👍
Crank Case Repair.
Hi, can anyone recommend someone who can repair crank cases? The nearer to Yorkshire the better please. Have a couple of DT175 cases that need some welding. There's been issues with parts coming loose internally and wreaking havoc adding new oil galleries, couple of small holes. Also, it appears that some idiot has split them with a hammer and a screwdriver, chipping and denting the casing and ruining the flush fitting. Those sorts of repairs 😬 Thanks in advance.
DT175MX 1978 Build
So it's turning into quite the little shop of horrors this engine but I'm going to persevere as it's numbers matching with the frame. Am sure it's all repairable. Some budding mechanic has been in it and they're a lot worse than me at this. I can see why the last fella put it all together and sold it on as an 'unfinished project'. 😆 "I ain't had time to look at it, I've got a lot on and need the space". Hmmmm ok 🤔 It was still a bargain! Even if the engine is knackered. 😝 Split the casings with my new tool. 😎 Nothing in there was tightened or torqued. There's a circlip missing and only half of one holding the gear shift in. 😬 I can't get the crank out at the moment as someone has put the primary drive gear on with something other than a key and it's on there good. Puller on order. 🙄 (Edit: Might be sheered?) There's some damage in and around where the kick-start assembly goes which has created a hole in the casing Someone, who didn't use a crank case splitter (not me I bought one 😇) has taken a chunk out of the casing with a screwdriver to separate them and ruined the oil seal. That's gonna need welding too. So this project is officially on hold for now until I sell another kidney to raise some cash to get it all repaired. 😪
DT175MX 1978 Build
Thanks but too late, they came yesterday. 😊 In any case, I have this horrible habit of ruining stuff trying to do the right thing with the wrong tools 😬 It's for the best 😆
DT175MX 1978 Build
Crank case splitter tool and clutch tool. Used the refund from the forks I missed out on to buy them. 🙄 Got a flywheel puller already 🤗
You have got to be shipping me!
I have 😁 I think they're probably sick of talking to me now but am hoping that I've made enough noise for them to do something about it because it shouldn't be happening. If they know these are restricted as soon as they arrive at the freight centre then they should know they're restricted the moment they're sold and be able to either warn the buyer and or offer an alternative shipping method. That they can't/won't is a failing on their part. As soon as I got the 'restricted' message on the tracker I looked it up and found endless stories like mine of people who, through no fault of their own, had lost purchases, often of something they really wanted or needed, because they'd fallen foul of import restrictions, often at ebay's freight centre, which could have been remedied by simply redirecting the package through a different carrier and if need be asking the purchaser for a fee. I'd hazard a guess that most people when faced with losing their purchase would rather pay a little more to keep it. I would have, gladly. Ebay would probably argue cost but given how many people I've spoken to and how much time this issue has taken up, even before they've decided what to do with it, it must surely be more cost effective for them to just send it via another route. That way everyone is happy and the only thing anyone loses is maybe a little time.
You have got to be shipping me!
I had to go through a few people but I got the answer that I wanted. Just a shame they couldn't have picked this up before it was dispatched as that would have given me and the seller the option of making alternate delivery arrangements and I wouldn't have lost this item. "Good news you got your money back" I don't want my flipping money back I want what I paid for! 🤬 For the record, I fully appreciate their position regarding safety as it's via air freight. What I'm struggling with is them not picking this up before they were dispatched and the lack of them asking me if I want to make alternate arrangements, even if it cost me extra, which I would gladly have paid if it meant getting the forks. Moral of the story is that what you've paid for on eBay isn't yours until its delivered...
You have got to be shipping me!
The original forks just need reconditioning. I've got 2 bikes to build and wanted these for the best of the 2. ☹️
You have got to be shipping me!
From what I've read it's totally arbitrary and rarely makes any sense at all. Money back is great but I really wanted the forks, I mean look at them, 40 years old and they're in that good a shape? I would happily have paid double what I did. Gutted. Nope. Like the seller said, nothing we can do. Apparently they will eventually come up for sale again as Ebay keeps the items and resells them through a certain account(s) I'll keep an eye out for them and see if they reappear and try buy them again if they're affordable still. I had a good read up on what happens and there's a massive amount of people like me who've been shafted by ebay for no logical reason and ebay just say tough sh*t. There's stories of people sending valuable or precious items and ebay arbitrarily seizing them and they just vanish into a black hole. Seller doesn't get the item back but keeps the cash and the buyer gets refunded by ebay. Any amount of pleading or offering to pay or arrange alternate delivery just falls on deaf ears. Ebay's Global Shipping Programme. If the seller hadn't used it I would have got them delivered no problem.
You have got to be shipping me!
Couple of weeks ago I found a beautiful looking pair of 1978 forks for my DT175 on Ebay that were in the US. If they were as good as the pictures I'd scored myself a decent pair that only needed new seal, oil and a little bit of a polish and they'd have been like new. So in anticipation of their arrival I bought some news seals and some oil for them. I was tracking them daily and after a slight delay because of bad weather everything was going swimmingly, until yesterday evening when I noticed on the tracker "Undeliverable" Never seen it before so I messaged the seller and asked if it would be an issue. Turns out I'm not getting them and according to what I've read about Ebay's 'Global Shipping Programme' it amounts to legalised theft and that they've decided they want them and will likely resell them for a profit. Pissed off is an understatement and their piss-poor explanation is nowhere good enough to explain why I can't have them. Going to attempt to get some answers out of them which is almost certainly going to be a waste of time but if they can't or won't give me an adequate explanation then I'll be closing my seller account and they can shove it. Raging! 🤯🤬😡
DT175MX 1978 Build
Not all I found sadly... First thing I noticed was the state of the barrel. Am guessing that at some point in its life it's been seized and someone has used a persuader on it, badly. Only positive is that the piston is practically brand new. So I got another barrel and took the old one off and had a look at the crank. It's badly pitted which leads me to believe that it's been waterlogged at some point and for a long time judging by the state of it. Knew then that this was going to be a full rebuild. First thing I noticed about the engine was the damage to the barrel as it's quite significant. Plus a couple of other things that I wasn't happy about. Alarm bells were already ringing and figured that this was going to turn into a full engine rebuild. I've been practising on another engine because I knew that I was likely going to have to strip this one down and rebuild it and last night I started on it. Am confident now to be able to take it apart and put it back together again. Just money for tools and parts is what's holding me back... Further in, the clutch is in a hell of a state. There was water in it, plates rusted, grit and grime, so much grit! New clutch ordered! Poor engine has been badly treated. Gonna have to sell another kidney but it's not beyond saving. All I need now is a lottery win. Wish me luck!🤞
Cranky DT175MX...
This is one that I bought off ebay that arrived wrapped in a big ball of gaffa tape with a postage label on so might have been that but there's no damage to the thread at all or anywhere on it actually, to indicate it's been dropped but knowing delivery firms like I do intimately, it wouldn't have been handled with much care. I have clouted it a little on the end with a wooden mallet to get the cases to split when it became obvious I hadn't used enough heat to get the 2 halves to go together. Could have been that too I suppose. 😬 This is my spare engine. I have one in the main bike I'm working on to do yet but wanted to cut my teeth on this one. The main one is numbers matching and I didn't want to do anything to ruin it so using this one to learn the art of rebuilding a DT engine. So far so good. 🤓
Cranky DT175MX...
It's just the threaded part. The tapered shaft is fine Just worried that the bent thread will push the flywheel out of line and cause a vibration. I don't think torqueing it up will take the kink out of it.
Cranky DT175MX...
Putting an engine together and after spending a great deal of time learning what to do getting bearings out and new ones in I've finally put the cases together and have discovered that the threaded part of the crank is on the piss. It's got a noticeable bend in it and am guessing that this is going to cause a severe vibration and lead to the demise of the bearing pretty quickly. Am I right in this assumption and what are my options?
Vehicle Registration
The bike is 2k4 Vin which there are many UK bikes with that prefix. I only said German origin because that's what Yambits said but what's to say that they're correct and in any case, given the age of the bike, nobody will have any records anyway. So I may as well treat it as a UK bike and apply for an age appropriate registration, no? Have looked at Nova and I'm missing a lot of information to complete their form because I don't know for certain it was imported, when or who by... So I've got my dating certificate from that helpful chap at Air-Cooled place. Is it a V55/5 "first registration for a used vehicle" I need to do next? Any advice gratefully received, thank you! 😊👍
greetings all...and help! =)
Maybe some crap in the tank that was unsettled by the removal got into the fuel line and carb? Unless you can find an obvious reason externally then maybe time to strip and overhaul the carburettor. Should be a gasket and jet kit available otherwise take apart and clean float bowl and blow jet(s) out. If it is a dirty carb then a tank flush and clean and shiny new hose and inline filter might be a good idea also. Edit: Just checked and plenty of carb repair kits for the SR on Feebay ranging from 10-30 quid... Good luck!
Importing DT Parts from the US...
Have bought a few things from the US and some of the postage is a piss take especially when you see how much cheaper and faster it is from countries just as far away. They always take so sodding long as well! I've had stuff arrive from places like Indonesia, Australia and Thailand that I ordered after, that have arrived a week or more before my US purchases have. Have had 2 deliveries so far take over a month. Managed to get some rare parts at reasonable prices though that I couldn't even find or was outbid on in the UK. The one good thing I like about buying from the US is that they're always 'BUY IT NOW'. So many times I've been chasing parts in the UK and have lost out because they're up for auction and have gone for silly money. People with DT parts in the UK know what they've got and what they can get for them. Bottom line is if it's something you need to finish a build then you've got to have it.
Importing DT Parts from the US...
It got here safely in the finish, no thanks to me. If I'd have waited "patiently" a few days more it would have been sent back to the US and I could have lost it. Anyone who knows DT's knows these are rocking horse. It's in really good condition too. 🥰
DT175MX Bore Kit
Very informative thank you! I have a decent, genuine, 175 bore it's got a piston with 100 stamped on it. Does that mean it's been rebored and that's an oversized piston? The piston Is a little loose at the bottom probably a mm overall so figure it would slap a bit if I use it in its current state. Also, what's on it currently isn't right. It's a Yamaha 175 bore but whoever fitted it had to break some fins to get it on. As far as am aware all the 78 on side casings are the same, so it's not MX I don't think... Either way am getting rid of it as it's not right. Thanks again for the replies 👍
Dt175mx dating from frame numbers.
All sorted. Dating certificate in the post 🥳