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Everything posted by Superexcellent14

  1. My Yamaha had petrol in it that was 6 years old so I changed it for fresh petrol. The old fuel was fine in my mower when mixed 50:50 with new fuel. The mower fuel survives 6 months over the winter without any problems.
  2. Is the fuel pump working? I bought a non running YBR125, the engine check light came on and went out after 5 seconds as it should. This showed that the ECU and sensors were ok but you should also hear the fuel pump running during those 5 secs. I had a spark at the plug but it was dry with no signs of petrol getting through. I replaced the fuel pump and all was then fine. The on line Haynes manual is very good and if you have a multimeter you can check all the relays etc. You can buy replacement fuel pumps on eBay but they are a bit of a fiddle to change as Yamaha did not design the pump assembly to be serviceable.
  3. I have just fitted one of these to an injection YBR. I was able to put the original mph speedometer into the Chinese unit. I used the original wiring harness but the holders for the warning lights are a different size and the Chinese wiring colours are different from the Japanese ones. I managed to remove the orange warning light and put it in the new unit. All rather a bit of hassle but at £19 it was worth it.