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  1. Hello, I'm new here but saw a lot of smart people with great solutions for other people's bike problems. The problems began when I kinda broke the starter( at this pint it's not working at all). I couldn't go up the hill and my bike kept stalling, after which I would turn it back on. When I finally got back home the starter would need a few tries to work. The next day the starter would try to sping just to die out. So after that, I would just bump start it. Few weeks passed and I decided to get it fully fixed, but at this point even starter relay won't click. And when bump starting the moment I try to get a motorcycle in to neutral it would stall. A couple of side things/problems: The battery charged maybe even overcharged, when unconnected from the bike voltmeter shows even 15 volts My friend told me my carburetor could be unregulated, becouse once while I was warming up the bike set on neutral it stalled. When bump starting the motorcycle with 1st gear and giving it gas it would only go up to 3000 rpm (as shown on the speedometer) Spark plug looks good. (Honestly, I'm sorry if it's hard to understand "my English", but I'm really frustrated and am trying to seek any help)