Everything posted by Harv
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
It is a XS3602D. The main difference is it doesn't have a starter, kick start only. Drum breaks front and rear may be a diff too. But I think everything else is the same comparing part numbers and etc. A good place that I've bought parts for mine is partswarehouse.com. You can look up all the parts available similar to micro fiche. Let me know if you can't find the site and I'll get it to you. Best of luck....Harv.
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
Heck No !!!
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
I bought mine on e bay
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
Yes, fork seals. Mine leaked slightly when I bought the bike and I got good help-info from drewpy on most of my repairs.. He is Da Man !!..
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
I added an original luggage rack and engine guard since last pic's.
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
Boy, this is a bummer... I can't get your pictures !!. It states that Im not allowed access to your pictures We'll have to figure out a way to get the pics of your super bike on the forum.. Once you have registered on photo bucket, import the photos from the other source in to photo bucket. On the picture you want to post here, left click the bottom option below the picture"IMG Code", it will hi lite, then right clik and select "copy". Then go to this forum to where you want to post the picture , left clik to set the place for the photo. Right clik and select "paste". I hope this works g-man. If not, we'll get some help here on the forum.. Best of luck....
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
I have my pictures in Photobucket. I select the picture I want to send, Left click the bottom option : IMG code, then right click "copy". Then go to the site you want to post the picture on, then right click "paste". There are probably better methods, but I'm not much of a computer whiz... Best regards.... Harv..
If you can sing the praises of XS360's, Let me hear your song!
Mike76,, Keep it !! It is a fun classic bike.. I bought mine two years ago and it has been all fun plus a lot of learning and help from this forum. Drewpy gets the Gold Star for being the Exalted Guru and Grand Pubah as far as I'm concerned on these XS's. I did the fair wear and tear fix up on it after I bought it, fork seals, Ignition coils and condenser , had the carbs cleaned etc. Here is a picture of my Whizbang :
Clutch problem XS360
That did it Drewpy,, Thanks again..
Clutch problem XS360
I looked thru the search options and didn't find my answer. Problem is I can not engage the clutch . Start it in nuetral with clutch handle pulled in, Put in 1st, kills the engine . Naturally I tried the cable adjust with no luck. For the clutch adjustment, the book says loosen the lock nut and etc. I can't loosen the lock nut because it feels spring loaded . I hesitate to force the nut too much against the spring resistance thinking I'll hear a loud BOING and then have bigger problems. ??????
- Avatar
Well, I thought I posted this but I guess it got lost. I attemted to add an avatar by going to My Photobucket "Copy" the picture, went to My Controls, Edit Avatar and "Paste" in the area for the picture. It didn't work so I'm missing something and being fuzzy headed doesn't help.. Thanks for your help..
Engine polish
I have the old laquer-shellac ? coating removed from the engine and buffed it up. I looked back in the forums trying to find the posts on what some of you prefer as a polish on the engine after it is nice and shiny. Couldn't find them. Appreciate your help.. Thanks..
xs360 stumble?
Hello Joe4,, You might try www.metricpartsdirect.com They were previously Yamaha Parts Direct, but Yamaha didn't like that so they changed their handle. They have a very good parts listing for the XS360. I had bought several items from them trying to get my XS3602D back to original. Thanks to all the great people on this forum !!.. Hope this helps..Harv.. p.s. postage is a bummer nowdays..
XS360 Carb. joints
Yes,, I put a post in here some where awhile back. The Carb. joints for the XS400 fit my XS360 perfectly. Different part numbers,, so the part numbers can be misleading.. I got mine on E Bay.. Thumbs up !!!
scooter not pulling
Sparky,,probably a dumb suggestion because I'm sure there are a lot of good scooter forums there in the UK, but you might try www.scootdawg.com It is the best by far here in the U.S.. Very helpful bunch, lots of experience and have helped me out before.. Hope it helps.. Harv..
For the Americans on this forum!
Well Robbie, you sure opened a can of worms on this subject.. As I remember a comic strip character in "Popeye the Sailor" always walking around saying "Phooey". Well that's my opinion on this fracas..Both sides came away from the War of Independance with bloody noses and more. However excluding the politicians, I believe that we are very reliable friends that have never hesitated to back each other up. This time, much to thier demise is Britain in Iraq. I have always regretted, as most Americans should, scamming England into this damnable mess in Iraq, and blaming the bum info of the "Yellow Cake" on the Brits intelligence, (that's because we didn't have any and still don't" ) The whole mess was cooked up by George Dubious, Dissapearing Dick, Crafty Carl and of course Rummy Dummy.. The idiots that voted for "George the Airhead" had thier heads in that dark smelly place. Not once but twice !!!. The same bunch wrap themselves in the flag, wave the cross and march like Lemmings, lockstep into foolish disaster.. Over Four Thousand good troops wasted for a "Shock and Awe", "Strut and Smirk" so called president that can't find any country on a map without some toady moving his finger for him. I guess that is about it, as for patriotism in my defence, I'm 74 years old, served eleven years in the service, six of that being in the 82nd Airborne Div. and 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team. I got tired of landing on my head, went in the Airforce, got an education in electronics and lived happily ever after. Hey, I know this is long winded, but when you live in the outback, you spend a lot of time thinking.... Here's the best to all of you. Yank and British !!!! . As Ben said, We must hang together, or surely we will hang separately !!. P.S. There is a very factual seven part series on HBO channel giving the accounts of John Adams through the Revolution. For once the Americans made a very good documentary without crapping it up... :
variator rollers
Thumbs up,,Keep em Flying !!!
Have you seen this one
For the Americans on this forum!
John Cleese, you are a cruel man !!.. Here's to the Brits, First Cousins only separated by a common language !!. Clink !!!
variator rollers
That is two different ways to make a good variator removal tool..
variator rollers
variator rollers
Try logging onto www.leroybeal.net/motorcycles/drivepulleytool That should put you on the page. Also try scootdawg.com lots of good info and pictures on changing variators and etc. Let me know if you can't find the sites..
XS360 to electric start
Thanks yoda,, Yes, I marked it up to lack of experience and getting both hands, both feet and last remaining brain cell to operate at the same time !!
XS360 to electric start
This is what made me think of this , and it is hard to explain. I went up a hill, a car is ahead of me at the stop sign. He's on the level, I'm on the up hill slope. He pulls out, I accelerate and ease out the clutch and kill the bike!!. There I am, Right hand locking the front brake, Left foot putting the trany in nuetral, right foot on the rear brake pedal,, The kick arm is up against the engine, I can't use either hand because they are occupied,, So I use my right foot to get the damn kick arm out to where I can give it a kick, it starts nicely,, damned if I don't kill it again, , still on the slope and a few cars go by me. Well at this time is when I wish I had electric start .. So roll the bike back and get it turned around , start it and head down hill no problem. The 360 is put away snug for the Winter and will attack the formidible hill problem another day . The ending of this episode is - as you can tell- I'm a noob, this being my first bike..However things like this can be a big pain in the butt !!!