Hi all,
I have a 96/7 Thunderace. I was doing some tidying up and bought some braided venhill hoses for the brakes. I've got 3 hoses, 1 for the back and 2 for the front but there was no labelling, I've not taken the front off yet but I'm looking at the back and don't know which hose to use. The three new ones are different lengths.
I test fitted the shortest and with the bike up on the paddock stand the swing arm is naturally lower so the pipe would be tighter than usual but I'm concerned that it may be a bit too tight. Can anyone let me know the lengths of each pipe please?
Looking from the rear of the bike the rear brake is on the right, would this be shortest, longest or middle in length compared to the front left and front right (I'm assuming the front left would be the longest but please correct me if I'm worng.
Thanks very much, I hope someone is able to help.