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FzR Runner

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  1. No, I ended up having to get the battery FULLY recharged, I used a stock charger from auto zone made for the battery. Seems that is all it needed was to be fully recharged. Now my other question is about the idle, it seems to cut off when the idle is set below 2000 rpm, if I let it run for a while below 2000 then it eventually shuts off. I can restart it, but it just shuts off like its not getting enough fuel or something....dunno. It's strange I have to set it higher than 2000 to keep it started then gradually go down to 1600 before riding it
  2. Hello, I'm new to this forum as you can probably see, also I just bought a bike from a friend ( never had one ) which is a 93 FZR. For some odd reason the battery wont keep a charge. I can not start it up for a day...and when I goto start it...it'll be dead ( its a new battery ). I have to give it a jump And also...to start the bike I have to set the idle high like 3500 - 4000 range. Then tune it down once its started..could someone possibly help me diagnose these 2 issues? I'll give answers in as much detail as I can. And even post pictures if needed