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Everything posted by ThatBikeSound

  1. Hello all, I hope that you are having a good day, I just wanted to introduce you to my website that I have been putting together: https://www.thatbikesound.com/ I have been all around the country recording motorbikes using professional broadcast-grade sound and video equipment. I have used a fixed camera and microphone position to give an accurate sound comparison across all bikes on the website. Yamaha as a manufacturer is quite well represented on the site and I really hope that it will be of use or enjoyment to some people on here! (high quality speakers or headphones are recommended to get the true sound). https://www.thatbikesound.com/yamaha-allmodels The catalogue is growing all the time as I try to collect every bike and exhaust combination there is, so do check back for new additions. Thank you for reading! Best wishes, ThatBikeSound