Hi All
Let me first of state that I'm new and that I dont have much experience with motorcycles so I'd thought I'd try here.
Basically the other day I did an oil change on my bike, took it out afterwards for around 30 miles and everything was working normally. However, yesterday as I took it out after around 13 miles the bike suddenly lost power from 60 MPH to around 45 MPH in just under 3 seconds. When I pulled up and turned the bike off, it straight up refused to start up again. All the electrics were working from what I could see but it just would turn on. The noise sounded like a dead/dying battery as the engine wasnt sparking. I did eventually manage to bump start it after around 6-7 attempts, however it suddenly started making a clicking noise which sounds almost like metal hitting gear teeth (if you can imagine it). I was able to get it home but it felt massively under power and felt very warm. Today I took it to a local motorbike mechanic and they said that my engine had hardly any oil in it and that it sounds like i've managed to screw the carburettor (which is strange as i'm sure that my bike doesnt have one). He also said that it sounds like it seized up from over heating. But surely if that was the case the engine wouldn't have started back up again, despite trying to bump start for 10 minutes. I then spoke to my brother an he thinks it could be either the timing or the piston rings being too close to the outta wall thing. And finally my neighbour thinks it could be that one of my injectors might be clogged up.
Now, as I have several different opinions on what it could be, I was hoping that others on here have experienced something like this before and would be willing to help out.
P.S the bike has done only 8k miles and when I did the oil change I put enough in that the dipstick had some oil on it when coming out, but when checked today it wasnt even touching it.
Cheers everyone