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  1. ste replied to ste's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi there thanks for post..i'v checked filters and they clean..it is ypvs i'v alterd float level it says between 15.5 to 16.5 i'v put it max level and its gone worse even at tick over going to put it back to what it was and see how it runs do u think it could be the pilot air screw and its running too rich thank ste...
  2. ste posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hi there jus wondered if sme one cud help.the bike runs great at tickover.it accelerates ok in first an second gears,but then starts to splutter in third as u reach band.and when u change up again it gets wosrse.until you change downv again.the carbs clean,no water in fuel,valve set right,an plug ok,seems like its rather flooding it or starving of fuel.wud be grateful for any help thks ste