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  1. Bigbossowen posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi I’m looking to run a usb charger on the xj600 I have found a random 3 pin plug under the seat it has a switched live in it but I would like to know what it would be there for. I would add a photo but I can’t work out how to it is a inline 3 pin male plug that comes from the main loom with two other plugs that have been linked out help would be nice but understand if no one can with the little information I have given
  2. Bigbossowen replied to nickbird01's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I would be interested to know the answer to this myself?
  3. Bigbossowen posted a post in a topic in Touring
    Hi all I’m a new rider just got my full license and have just bought my first bike very proud to say it’s a XJ600N on a 2000 plate with only 5000 miles on it from new. my question is it has be sat up for 10 years and I’m picking it up tomorrow what should I be looking for and doing with it when I am at the dealership thanks