Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
Yeah we changed the oil filter, there was a few shavings and bits of crap in there, when we the took the casing off to change starter motor, there was a lot of sludgy crud in the bottom, cleaned it as best we could, have decided to leave the 50 quid engine, have a found a whole bike for 200 engine runs nicely, rest of the bike isn't the best.
Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
Yeah that's what I'm worried about, I am in Norwich I've manged to source an engine for 50 quid the guy says it has good compression but is an unknown runner but for 50 quid it's worth a shot, yeah the bike rolls In gear the clutch in,, going to pick the engine up tomorrow and hopefully have it in and see if it runs Wednesday.
Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
There was oil in the bike, I can assure you all that, the reason we did so many oil changes during the course of about 2-3 months is because, of the following, first time we did it was because the person we Baught it from said it was standing for a while, second time was because we took the ride casing off because we had to change the starter motor, then the third time we did it well tbh I can't remember, now yes there is still lots of oil in the engine the sump plug is done up, It ran fine all day yesterday, the today was going along at 50 noticed it spluttered a few times, then the speed started to drop so as I changed into 4th while I was holding the clutch the engine died, pulled over and the head was smoking, got it home took the the inlet and outlet covers off underneath looked fine but was just siezed solid no movement whatsoever, and it had a rank smell when the covers were removed, could it be the oil pump.?
Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
Didnt do them all in one go did them over course of about 3 months for different reasons, had to take casings off etc, sorry but whats that got to do with my original question.
Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
Yes we did about 4 oil changes when we got the bike 100% the oil was fine.
Yamaha Sr 125 Siezed
Hello everybody, so today was on my 2nd time riding on the road, after passing my cbt, all was going well until I noticed It had no power in 5th and as I went to change to 4th as the clutch was In the engine cutout, pulled over at the side of the road and the top end was smoking engine doesn't want to start, got it home, took the tappet covers off and its all solid nothing moves and it stunk when we removed the covers, just wondering if anybody had any ideas as to what needs to be done and what caused it. Spark plug was an okay colour milage is 16k.
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