1984 XT125 kickstart issue
Ill take a look, i have to strip the engine out anyways, so i guess having a go cant hurt, i just dont want to build it all back up if its going to break first kick. Perhaps ill strip the case and speak to some local shops and see. Thanks for all the advise.
1984 XT125 kickstart issue
Ok thanks, im afraid its what i was expecting to hear, and as i wil have to strip the casings to have them welded, i just as well build into a replacement casing set. I just need to find compatible units now.
1984 XT125 kickstart issue
Hi All, Been a while since i posted last, so here goes. I have this XT125 that has been an almighty pain in the backside, it wouldn't run properly so its been stripped and rebored and rebuilt. Second kick of th starter, and the end of the shaft broke off, which was frustrating. I have changed the kickstart shaft, but it seems the small lug in the crank casing that makes the starter spring back has broken off. I have found some casings online for sale, but the engine number i have doesn't seem to look like any of the others, ie mine starts X12V- rather than the 15E- or 10A- of the engines for sale online. So my question is this, how can i identify casings that are compatible, so i can get this engine rebuilt and working again. Or can i just have the current casing welded to a strong enough point to function. Any advice i would be grateful of. thanks
Dragstar Alarm Woes
Hi All, Apologies for making my first post a beg, but im having some real issues with this 2002 650 Dragstar im helping a firend with. It all started when the Datatag alarm that was fitted to it started playing up, and going off randomly. When we traced the cabling to try and remove the faulty unit, its connected to a bunch of black with white square cables in the battery compartment, none of which are labellled, and all blocks that may have been there appear to be cut off. The workshop manual shows nothing of these cables that i can see, and when checking them with a multimeter, there are permanent lives, switched lives, Kill switch lives, and indicator feeds, however, i cannot see where they should go etc. The alarm has been cut off for the sanity of the neighbours, but i am now left with a bike that wont start, no action from the starter button at all. No spin. I beg for any help you guys can offer me, as i have been over what i can work out with a multimeter, and the feeds from the ignitor to the coils are fine, the 12v feeds to the coils are live, there just seems to be no "go" from the start switch. Can anyone offer info on these mystery black cables, and how i can get this lovely bike back on the road?, i will forver be in your debt/. Thanks Nick
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