Everything posted by R6mark
I got my baby back, baby back, baby back, ribs
did someboby say good weather? its forecast rain all weekend here good to hear the bikes back on the road, it cant be nice having a bike and not being able to ride it on the odd occasion the sun decides to show his face!!!
2005 R6
since i bought my 03 R6 ive found they do make a few rattles etc that would make most people think there is something wrong, but it all seems to be the norm, they would make a good tractor engine!!!!
Wheel rim stripes....good? bad?
in my opinion i think they look good, i have red ones on my silver/black R6 and think they set the bike off, for your bike i would go with the white ones, theres already alot of blue on the bike so you dont need more!!
R6 03-05 seat cowl
anybody on here have one? i recently bought one second hand, when i came to fit it i noticied it was not the best of fits nor the best of colour matches, just wonderingn if anybody else has come accross the same problem? regards, mark
03 YZF R6 question
hello there Jon, thanks for the info, i found that Autoglym bumper care is a good product for the matt black, tried it on a discreet bit of the fairing yesterday and it seems ok, as for the noises i changed the oil and filter so will see if thats made any difference. I am not a member of any clubs as of yet so cant do any compairing.
03 YZF R6 question
does anyone have the silver and matt black version, if so just wondering what cleaning product etc you use on the matt black bits of fairing as i dont want to put something on to find out it has marked it , also i have noticed a tappety rattle when i rev the throttle, wondering if this is just a characteristic of the bike or i have something starting to go wrong, i only noticed it tonight whilst riding home, i usually wear ear plugs but didnt tonight, maybe its always done it but i havent heard it because of the lug plugs? any info appreciated, p.s this is my first bike and ive only had it a week, so be gentle with me
Bennetts Ins.....shame on them
£600 TPFT, BUT before your jaw hits the floor im 22 and just passed my test last week, for an 03 plate R6
Bennetts Ins.....shame on them
my bad, im just used to paying installments with the price my insurance is at
YZF R6 ins. question...
I know what you mean, the bike you are looking to buy wont be an extreme otherwise the bloke selling it would know about it and more than likely sell it for more im guessing its some kind of limited edition with a few more horsies
Bennetts Ins.....shame on them
This is why you should always cancel your direct debits through the bank aswel as cancelling the insurance policy!!
Hi im new and could do with some advice please!
Hello there, I used 125ml of oil to 5 litres of petrol on my 00 CR125 and it ran fine, your local bike shop should sell a sufficient two stroke oil for it, I used MX oil, its in a blue bottle with yellow lid and writing