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Son of Sparkz

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  1. Nahh Cynic he was just an extra. He was in a few scenes. only guy on a white bike and yes thats him riding up on the foot path cause some dick was going to slow infront of him. theres a few shots of his hand, leg and fairing at they are backing in and in the fight scene then walking over to the donuts scene. He did get the crap scared out of him by Toecutter though in a red light brothal but that's another story lol Miss my dad and this Yami has to be perfect. i've started a build log if anyone wants to take a look Cheers Son of Sparkz Intro: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45344-son-of-sparkz/ Current Build: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45345-yzf-750-and-then-some/
  2. Son of Sparkz posted a post in a topic in Projects
    Hi All, well i pretty much covered everything in my Intro so we'll get straight to the point. This Project Bike was my dads. When we picked it up there were enough parts to probably build two bikes if there had a second frame. Towards the end of dads life he was in so much of a hurry, the Yami was assembled as quick as possible so hopefully he would be able to ride it before he passed. unfortunately his illness stole this dream of a few laps on the Broadford classic track. When i summoned up the nerve to go into dads shed after he passed my heart broke as i saw this, Dads project bike that he worked on right up until he went into Hospice / Palliative Care. When ever he felt well enough he would go out to the shed and do a bit. This is how he left it, just tools down never to come back to it again. i didnt want to move it or touch anything but with the support of my misses i packed it up ready to move. My Misses had never towed a bike before and knowing what this bike meant to me i don't think she went over 60KPH all the way to my place. she did awesome though. nothing moved and it arrived safely And there the beast sleeps in storage until i have gone through all dads notes, researched everything i can and cleared some room in my workshop. I had a quick look under the fairing and it's sad to say there are plugs hanging everywhere. i don't think anything was connected, no fuel, no oil and no coolant in the tanks either. From my amateur eye i can also see there is no gear leaver, no ignition barrel, steering dampener is in the box with the ignition barrel, brake calipers are swinging in the breeze and one of the clip ons are bent. When the speedo cable was installed dad also attacked the forks with an angle grinder. (crude i know) It currently has the 750 motor in it and the 1040 is in a million bits to be assembled. I've been told it will also need some machining while being built so fun times ahead. Good thing i'm a qualified mechanical engineer used to working to fine tolerances and have lots of machines at my disposal. I also need to come up with a plan and here is where the questions for you all start. Part one of this build will be to get it running with the 750 motor and get it registered on club plates so with that in mind.... Do i take lots of Pics and then tear it down checking everything twice as i put it back together? Do i attempt to continue on from where dad left off? Cheers Son of Sparkz Intro: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45344-son-of-sparkz/ Current Build: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45345-yzf-750-and-then-some/
  3. Son of Sparkz changed their profile photo
  4. The Z type as it started life Stage 2 of the Z type and yeah thats me on the tank And finally as she looked in the end. the only standard off the shelf item on the whole bike was the front mud gard and it wasnt even off a Z type A couple of Mad Max Shots, thats dad third bike from the front, (The White One) Orange leathers. They gave him the kaki jacket to wear as they said his orange leathers were way to bright lol Cheers Son of Sparkz Intro: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45344-son-of-sparkz/ Current Build: https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/45345-yzf-750-and-then-some/
  5. Hi Cynic, I'm learning about the forum and as for the bike I only know enough to be dangerous. The bike was sold to dad as a UTE and trailer load of bits and there is probably enough bits to build two bikes if I had a second frame. There is a stock 750 motor and the 1040 motor is all in bits ready to build. Hybrid of what I don't know it's just what's in dads notes. The frame is a yzf750 to the steering column I think with the r1 forks. One of the last things dad did was get me patched in to his motorcycle club so a few guys there will hopefully help me out and I thought a build thread to get you guys input would be handy as well. I'll stick some photos up here tomorrow
  6. Hi All, New to the forum but have grown up on bikes and helping my dad have fun in the workshops modifying them. His first project bike even featured in the original Mad Max which started life as a z type Kwaka. My dads last project bike has now become my project as he passed away in May this year. It's a 92 Yamaha YZF750 rear frame with a 03 R1 front end and the plan is to turn it into a tribute bike in the end. I have a 1040 hybrid motor for it so when it's finished it should be a beast. I'll start a build thread when I get started on it if someone can point me in the right direction and all feed back is welcome be it good or bad. Dads dream will become a reality