prolapsed disc and sciatica. cant get leg over a motorcycle saddle any more lol. hence i have a 125/180 yamaha majesty, 2004.
paid a mechanic to do head kit but ive moved since. am in a downstairs flat with no garage anymore. i am willing to pay; was thinking of a semi/retired person who could take time to show me whilst still getting paid for job. haynes doesnt show how to tell if a part is used or beyond use and so faulty. i have a 50cc aprilia which i use daily, the yamaha is my rat scooter. at a later date i will strip all plastic off, extend it and put a motorbike front end on. with help.
rather than pay £80 i will fabricate a hale bale carrier to mount top box on.
i dont drink or do drugs, go to football matches etc so im happy to throw money at scooter knowing it will never sell enough to recover costs. but what price on a fun pass-time and being different?