Everything posted by KyleHally
Rookie road trip
Heading from the east end of glasgow I've got no choice to pass through loch lomond lol. Also i think there was a smash on the way back as the traffic was standstill with a few police/ambulance flying by. That's when i really kept an eye on what other riders done to see when to go and what i was comfortable with. Is there any other common biker haunts when the weather is nice?
Rookie road trip
So today i done my first "big" ride since getting the bike in october. Proposed to the better half last week (don't worry, she said yes!) So took advantage of the nice weather to go look at a venue for the big day. Went upto inveraray for the day and it was actually much less daunting than i expected on the 125. Had a premonition that it would be a drag with a lack of power and that the no motorway restrictions would make it a chore. I'm happy to report that it was, for the most part, all plain sailing. The bike managed to handle the climbs better than i expected but I've now definitely experienced the dreaded numb bum. Also didn't seem to get to a stage that there was any riders trapped behind me for any length of time and they all gave a friendly wave as they passed. Worlds away from how L plates are treated by other car drivers lol! Riding for around 4 hours with 132 miles for the round trip isn't grand tourer level but it felt long enough to count as my first large trip. I also took the opportunity to ride behind some of the slower moving riders and to try and get more comfortable with filtering through traffic and just riding in general. Anyway enough of that, here's some pics from the ride. [EDIT: I've no idea why the pictures all uploaded at mad angles but I'll try sort it tomorrow when I'm not using my mobile] P.S any bug cleaner recommendations would be much appreciated, bugs don't stay solid at 60 mph lol
Yorkhill easter egg run 2018
I haven't posted on this forum outwith the welcome page yet so wasn't sure where to put this. Went for general so i didnt clog up the events page (will put something there later if it is more relevant). The yorkhill easter egg run is something I've always enjoyed seeing from an outside perspective and now I've got 2 wheels it's something I'd possibly like to get involved in. Really just wanting to see if its a thing that many people on here do or have done in the past? Its on the 1st of april this year, It is a day I'm working but i was looking at getting the day off or maybe seeing if my work would support it as they do alot of local charity work. If anyone on here has any info that would be great. I've left the link below aswell. http://www.glasgowchildrenshospitalcharity.org/events/our-events/easter-egg-run-2018 P.s if people already plan on attending and don't mind an L plate tagging along just let me know and I'll try not to ruin your street cred too much
First time biker from Glasgow
Yeah born down duke street, stayed in springboig since i was 10 month old till i moved out with my girlfriend last year. Now got our own house just off from hogganfield loch. Looking forward to the summer to properly get out on the bike and hopefully catch a couple meets or whatever.
First time biker from Glasgow
Managed to get around 300miles down so far inbetween the great British weather. As for the combined brakes, i have no idea but the brakes work smooth so no complaints. Maybe the aviation fuel will get me over 65mph Here's a couple snaps anyway if i can remember how to do the whole forum image hosting lol P.S the L plate was the only casualty when it fell in the wind. Hence the reason its locked up without a cover at the moment
First time biker from Glasgow
Hi there, My name is Kyle and I'm an aircraft mechanic from the east end of glasgow. My whole experience with motorbikes is a mini moto i got as a kid for christmas (which i crashed on the first day). Have been telling myself for years I'd get my bike license but only yesterday went ahead with it. Purchased myself a brand new yamaha ys125 from the Jim Allan showroom in Falkirk and pretty psyched to pick it up after my CBT on the 4th of october. I'll stick some pictures once i get it but for the mean time I'll hang out here and hopefully pick up some good hints and tips to get me off to a good start. Cheers