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  1. Actually that answers what was going to be my next question which was what should I use to stop this happening again? Apparently Plus Gas is meant to be used for that very purpose.
  2. Thanks finnerz89. Good advice about the heat gun as I definitely would have gone at it with a blow torch! The thread is pointing down so will I have to upend the bike to get the penetrating oil to seep into the thread? And any suggestions for what to use as penetrating oil? I used DOT4 to separate a core bit from its shank but that took a good two weeks of soaking before it would budge!
  3. Hi there, I've just dragged my '94 Yamaha RXS100 out of the shed where it's been lying for about 20 years unused. I was going to replace the footrests because I snapped the right one off when I decked the bike, so I started to remove the exhaust to make it easier to get at but one of the bolts holding the exhaust sheared when I tried to remove it! So I've got a sheared bolt sticking out of the engine block by about 7mm. I've tried just using pliers to rotate it but it is stuck solid, no doubt firmly rusted in. Now the same thing happened many, many years ago and my uncle got the sheared bolt out for me by heating it but I didn't see him actually do it so I'm not sure what he used to heat it as he owned a garage so it could have been anything but I'm guessing he just took a blow torch to the engine block. Any suggestions as to how I can get this beastie out of my engine block? Should I try to heat it or should I use some sort of rust remover first down the thread or something else entirely different? Thanks for any help.