Everything posted by MT03Tim
Fuel Tank Leak
Thanks for the replys . I have now got a new o ring on order after nearly chocking on the £26.00 price! Tim
Fuel Tank Leak
Hi all, my MT 03 (2007) has got a fuel leak. The stuff is dripping out from around the fuel pump bracket when parked up so I'm looking for advise on what is the best sealant I could use. Thanks Tim
Instrument clusters
Hi, I have a problem with my MT 03 (660) instrument cluster, and as these bikes are as common as hens teeth there are not many spares about So it may be a silly question but does anyone know if any of these clusters are interchangeable between similar models?
2008 MT03 blurred vision vibration issues
Hi, it may be a bit late in the day but I have a 2007 MT03 with 17000 miles on the clock and I can say that the vibration your experiencing is not normal. Yes it is a big single so you do feel the engine working but getting blurred vision at 5000 rpm is a concern. Does this happen on all road surfaces as I had a similar problem with my Guzzi which turned out to do with the front suspension not set up correctly. One thing to check is if you wind up the engine to 5000 rpm in neutral do you get the vibration. If not then the issue is more than likely to do with a worn chain and sprockets and or cush drive - big singles wear them out far quicker than multi cylinder engines. If though you still get the vibration I'd get the bike checked over before spending out on handlebar weights or gel seats as the cause is more likely to do with the oily bits such as worn crankshaft bearings. Hopefully its a knackered chain and worn sprocket and something fairly simple to fix.
Hi - from an MT 03 (660) owner
Hi, been riding for more years than I'll admit to and have an original MT 03 and am interested in hearing from any other owners to swap notes and experiences. Tim
Replacement electronic displays
Hi, I have an 07 MT03 (the proper 660 single) and yes there are a few still on the road! 2 weekends ago I was out for a ride and saw according to my speedo I was doing 188 mph and 0 revs. So I stopped, and restarted the bike hoping the problem was not terminal...... it was - the whole display was dead. No neutral, indicator, main beam, nuffing (Later on closer inspection a chip on the printed circuit had blown) So as Mr Yamaha wanted £440 for a new one , after a lot of searching I managed to get one from a breakers . It works fine except that when I start the engine the display and rev dial goes blank for a few seconds. At first I thought it could be that the bike had been standing for a while and the battery was at 12.6 volts, but even when fully charged it happens I did have a chat with my local Yam dealer and they said it was a straightforward plug the new one in. My question is ' has anybody else had the same issue when replacing the instrument cluster on any Yam?' If so have you managed to fix it
The Ginger Tom Project
hi Tom I've been looking around for an alternative exhaust for my 03 and I would be interested in hearing and perhaps seeing a pic about your using a ducati exhaust. How does it affect the performance, did you keep the original down pipes? Good luck with your project. Tim
Hi - just joined the club
Hi, well after owning a number of Yamahas over the years I thought it about time I joined the owners club. And the fact the MT owners forum has closed down has spured me on. I'm currently riding an MT 03 (the original 660 single) -and I do have a Guzzi, but that is in the shed of shame waiting for me to mend it...again.