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  1. Almost for free. A few years ago I bought an internet transfer for the equivalent of one dollar and I can not use it until today. If you want I can send you copy for e-mail
  2. Thanks for the answer. On e-bay I found Copy for 30$ (+ not a small shipping costs to Poland). Mayby for you this is cheap but not for me (I have to work a week to earn it). By the way book on e-bay its copy, so where the copyright? I found PDF version here: http://chomikuj.pl/marecki1981i/Dokumenty/Yamaha+XVS+125+*2700+-+Service+Manual,2979289204.pdf
  3. Hi! I have few problems with my Dragstar 125. Does anyone know where I can find Yamaha Dragstar XVS 125 Service Manual? I search everywhere but I can't find. I found it on one page but they want to give them my Credit Card Number, in my opinion it's no good idea.