Everything posted by Hoppi85
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Did ya hurt yourself when you fell off? I fell off a few weeks back, was taking a corner at about 10mph, road was greasy and back end slid out, ended up in the A&E the next day with a dislocated shoulder. However I was back on within a few days, my pride got hurt the most. Your spot on there, ya can read up on the what nots as much as possible but you'll only ever learn from your own mistakes! Happy riding!
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Nice one, I'll try the B&Q paint out. It's not too bad anyways but I don't like it looking like that, trying to keep it as clean and shiny as I possibly can. Although the fall I had last week bent my foot peg, handlebars and scratched my speedo. Managed to get the handlebars back straight anyway and gonna buy a new footpeg. Cheers for the advice on the bbq paint Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
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Hahaha I don't blame ya for pitching, business is business after all. I've heard alot of good things about scotriders, however I know Stuart up at GMTS, I done my cbt through them and planning on doing my 1 & 2 there, sorry Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
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I only took up riding due to financial reason, I got a promotion at work and it involves travelling, as I have four kids and a 7 seater, financially it wasn't going to make sense buying a small car as it would only get used for commuting. However now I'm on two wheels I use it alot more than just for commuting! Plan on getting my mod 1 and mod 2 over the summer, not going to rush into something bigger yet until I'm completely comfortable. How are you finding the ybr? I got a 2016 model otr and its a fantastic learning bike, although I have nothing to compare with. I find it very nimble and acceleration wise is perfect atm Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
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By the time I heard about ACF50 it was too late [emoji15] I was thinking about taking it off and giving it a sand down then re painting it, would that work? I've also heard that harpic max can do a good job to surface rust. I'll try and keep cleaning it the best I can. Thank you Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
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The pic is taken in broughty ferry, Dundee in North East Scotland Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk I love the ybr, I'm glad I went with it. Although I am looking for advice on surface rust on my exhaust. I rode through the winter and I thoroughly cleaned my bike every week, still the salty roads gathered rust on my exhaust. Don't know what's best to get rid of it, still learning about bikes and engines in general [emoji15] Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
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Hey people, new member here! My names Ryan I'm 31 years old and been riding since October last year although I wish I started years ago! My first bike is a yamaha ybr 125 custom. Would love to progress soon to a bigger bike but still learning the ropes and gaining more and more confidence. This is my baby in all her glory! Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk