Bit of a story first.
Was able to get a 2004 125 Dragstar from a deceased relation for £600, considering that there are very few bad reviews of it, the only second hand one I can find is £1700 (and it's already been sold), and that it has less than 8k on the clock I think I got a pretty good deal.
good points:
the engine starts (but I haven't actually ridden it yet), both brakes work , brake fluid is still full after being left in the garage for several years,
bad points:
concerned that the foot brake does not return, Chain is loose, takes a long time to start (likely battery issue)
on order:
Oil filter, air filter, battery
Basically what I'd like is a dummies guide on what I should be looking out for, what I should be doing now, and anything else people can provide/recommend that will mean this bike will be still on the road for my not yet conceived kids.