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  1. Thanks for the response guys, finalally managed to join FOC today, turned out it didn't like my email address. left a post posing the question and have had interest already!, grand news we might just get it done. if anyone is interested here is the link:http://foc-u.co.uk/index.php/topic,21803.0.html
  2. Thedonkey replied to gb.404's post in a topic in The Bar
    Good plan, thats what i did, the little thing wized up to 60mph
  3. No need to commit to anything, simply show an interest. triying the fazer oc just having problems get in. thoose hoses are for a 03 onwards, i can get thoose no problem, what i proposing is for the mk1 97 to 03 models.
  4. Hi all, im restoring my 99 Fazer, everything is going to plan, i have one missing link, decent silicone hoses. I cannot find anybody that makes a kit for the mk1 fazy, i got in touch with Samco Sport. A nice chap let me know that if could get the interest of 25 people they would consider making a kit. so anybody interested?
  5. Thedonkey replied to gb.404's post in a topic in The Bar
    When i changed my exhaust to a leo vinci zx i simply plugged the hose and secured out the way. Bike ran great, however to get the bike to run properly with the new exhaust i had to change the carburettor jet, might be worth considering.
  6. Hi All, thanks for letting me join. Hoepfully i can be of help to people. im Dan i'm 25 years old and have been an avid bike ever since i can remeber. Many yams in the family, i inherited my mums 99 fazer, my dad has a fully restored mk1 98 yzf R1 and a mk 1 FjR 1300. why did i join? Im restoring my mothers fazer after it took me on a 14 day bike trip from suffolk to jerez to watch the great man himself. She kept up with the big 1300 FJR all the way not a sighn of a problem. So its time shes made here best. Engine im currently rebuilding from scatch new paint and polished ports. The frame yokes and brakets are off at the powder coaters. This leaves me with the problem of a decent set of silicone hoses. I have come to the conclusion that nobody currently manufactures silcone hose kits, can anyone prove me wrong? I got in touch with samco sport, a nice chap got back to me and annoced there wasn't a kit avaible, however if i could get the interest of 20 people they would considere manfacturing kits for 97-03 fazers. So anybody interested? thanks all, Dan