Hi all
Sorry if I've put this in the wrong section, I'm new to this site but desperately need advice. It all started about a week or two ago, I got my ignition barrel changed on my YBR 125 and since then the bike has been struggling to go into neutral, it isn't smooth at all although changing between gears is fine and it's been running perfectly. Anyway, I've had this issue before and it was just that the clutch cable was too loose, so I figured maybe it got loosened during the ignition change, so I thought nothing of it and adjusted the cable today. When I adjusted it the engine was switched off, but I tried flicking it in and out of neutral and it was smooth so I thought it was okay. Went to an appointment tonight - not okay! At every single red light the bike kept stalling; I would drop it into 1st gear and wait with the clutch in, like I always do, and for a few seconds it would carry on running, but then it would stall. It did this at every light with people behind me, so in the end I kept revving it just to stop it stalling (which was a pain because the bike kept wanting to move forward at a red light...) Anyway, after my appointment I adjusting the cable again, thinking I'd just done it wrong the first time. I turned the engine on and tried putting it in and out of gear and letting it run while I was parked up, it was still struggling to go into neutral but it wasn't stalling anymore, so I just decided to get home. It was running fine, but about halfway home I hit a red light and again, it was fine for a few seconds and then stalled. I got home and just saw on the drive with it in gear, running, clutch in, brake on just like I'd been doing on the road, but after staying like that for a couple of minutes it didn't stall, it was perfectly fine. So... any suggestions? I'm hoping it is just the clutch cable needs adjusting, but what I don't understand is why it's okay and then cuts out after a few seconds, rather than just stalling as soon as I stop moving?
Any advice would be hugely appreciated as it's supposed to get me to work tomorrow! Thank you!!