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Everything posted by joshuariehl1

  1. joshuariehl1 posted a post in a topic in Classics
    My father in law got a 78 xs400-2e last week and i finally got it all cleaned up and running so i thought. It blew a headlight fuse and a main fuse. So i went over today and started doing some checking and found that if i do a ohms resistance test on the fuse box from the ground to the fuse block im getting no resistance anywhere meaning that i have a problem with a bare wire somewhere right? well i pulled most every part of the wiring harness out today and found nothing that looked bad. has anyone else had this problem? if so what did you find? I only had a little cheap tester there today i didnt have mine so ill take it back when i go over there thursday to look at it some more. I even pulled the head light to make sure everything was ok in the headlight bucket.
  2. joshuariehl1 posted a post in a topic in Classics
    I was wondering if anyone know where i maybe able to find a sissy bar for my father in laws bike. I have looked and cant seem to find anything.
  3. going to a 17 up front should drop your rpms by about 10% so i would actually just go with the front sprocket first and see how you like it first. if you go front and rear at the same time you may not like it on the bottom end as much.
  4. joshuariehl1 replied to gavi_omen's post in a topic in Naked
    If anyone is interested in any parts from this 82 seca turbo let me know i think i'm going to strip it down and sell it off. It looks like a bit more work then i want to get into. i have all fiberglass body peices except the windsheild and bezel and the light bezel for around the headlight. motor is all complete minus the turbo and air box. I dont have a title for this bike. I dont know if this bike runs and i'm unsure on how long its been sitting. If anyone is interested in parts or the whole bike for parts please email me at [email protected]
  5. joshuariehl1 replied to gavi_omen's post in a topic in Naked
    He everyone I just got a 1982 xj650 turbo. I just got it home and after looking it over i have found that the turbo and air box is missing. If i am able to get this bike running does anyone know where i can get a turbo and box or should i just run it without the turbo? Or is there enough demand for the part off this bike to stip it and sell off the parts?