Xvs650 something a bit different!
So its been a while, we haven't actually touched the bike since we got back from motorcycle social. garage repairs and life in general have been priority, the show went really well and the bike got a very good response! Here's a couple of pictures of the bikes in the limelight Got a very good response a lot of people loved it! Really enjoyed chatting to everyone we had a real good time! A lot of amazing machines! Here's another picture of my good friend who welded the bike getting a feel for it! Baring in mind hes a lot shorter than me and can only just reach the footpegs! Thanks for looking!
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Right we have spent 2 evenings this week working the pipes out and getting them all tacked together, and the carb manifold is all tacked, now sent off to my mate at work too buzz them up, been building our own cables too and other little crappy bits cleaning and polishing fitting lights and number plate etc., little humorous bit of tank writing (if you've seen the videos you'll get it) Really chuffed with this thing and how its turned out! Show is next weekend, she wont be running and riding but she will still be there in all of her glory Cant wait too get her out on the road now and rack up some miles! Lets hope the engines good as we've not had it running yet lol. cheers for looking guys
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Basically as it is now at the back is how its staying and that's at its lowest, once you sit on it the seat does touch the fender so were going to solid mount the seat but with a bar of sorts within the spring, well that's our plan anyway, and then ill be bringing the front down a smidge too to match it! We made a bar to replace the sgock temporarily at stock ride height and the bike just didn't look right, so went back to the original plan
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Honestly dude I don't even have a leg to stand on, as ive never ridden with apes, I just want to be riding and people to think what the f#ck is that, or how the hell is he riding that! I know ill probably get aches and pain doing long journeys etc but sitting on it now stationary if feels like a lovely position (ask me again after its on the road lol) but its the same with the legs, foot extensions have been kicked forward 6 inches, arms and legs are literally both stretched out straight!
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Cheers Black hat means a lot! So this weekend has been quite a turning point for the bike in my eyes, and its going to be very marmite for some people, I love it and that's all that matters I guess! This is what happens when you run out of parts and have nothing else to do! Here she is in her current condition Let me know your thoughts guys, love getting feedback! Not a lot left to do, finish the exhaust, finish single carb manifold, wiring loom,and then that's pretty much it! Cant wait!
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Physically I wouldn't say so, but the swing arm against the seat and frame (although the seat has no springs yet) its still very close and its lost the straight line where the swingarm follows down from the frame which is also bothering me, we were wondering if it would be possible to extend the shock somehow?
Xvs650 something a bit different!
So here's where were at now, tyres finally arrived! We were first to purchase the new 15'' TT classic so I was told, waited long enough for the container!! Managed to get them fitted to the wheels and fitted to the bike, super chuffed with the outcome! Next issue we run into is the fact that I did the j-slam mod when the bike was first purchased and now it sits way too low, and obviously its been powder coated so we need to find another way around that without hacking at the frame! Its come out a million times better than I thought it would if im honest, everything else we need is in the post, got to build an exhaust from scratch and the carb manifold needs finishing, got to build all of our cables and fit all the lights etc, rear fender and wiring! Not to far away now! Let me know what you think, its come a long way from a standard dragstar
Xvs650 something a bit different!
2 steps forward 3 steps back We really weren't happy with the finish on the engine, so we tore it all down again and repainted it in the pj1 wrinkle paint, which seems to have gone on a hell of a lot nicer, so the engines now fitted back in the frame! Also done a test panel taking the paint off on the engine fins, nice little touch pretty sure we will be doing the whole engine at some point Next up was the single Harley carb manifold, not finished yet but its ready to be welded once the plates come back from the laser cutters! Also got a cone to go onto the carb receiving end to bring it up to the correct diameter. Cheers for looking, holidays this week for both of us, the 30th of july deadline is fast approaching! Fingers crossed we can pull something out of our @rse
Xvs650 something a bit different!
If it happens it happens, worst case its a 50p piece of pipe and at best 10-12quids worth of fuel, I can live with that, well providing the fuel doesn't go all over the engine and ruin the paint then ill be p*ssed lol
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Appreciate your feedback dude, Had thought about that with the pipe being cut, im hoping that no one is sad enough to do that for 10-15quids worth of fuel but having said that theres a lot of pond life out there I guess! Im prepared to take a chance though! I will definitely be taking your advice and carrying round some spare pipe
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Not as much of a reaction as id hoped from people Anyways sent my tank off to my fab friend who welded in the fuel guage bits in the side!
Xvs650 something a bit different!
And were back too it! Had a lot of hassle with blasting bits, held us up a lot! But were back in the game now and boy has it been worth the wait! Managed to get everything thrown together Monday night and im over the moon!! To say im happy is an understatement, its blown my mind, the tyre container is docking on the 10th of may, brand new tyres just been produced, watch this space, for regular updates were on facebook and instagram as blackdirtcycles! thanks for looking
Xvs650 something a bit different!
It's at work dude, it's metal back boxes that you knock in the wall for switches and sockets etc I work in a wholesalers
Xvs650 something a bit different!
So on Friday the frame swing arm and brackets came back powdercoated, well chuffed! Chuffed with them, Ended up finding another blaster who has said he will do his best with the wheels and engine so they went over there Friday so fingers crossed! Now its a cash of painting all the other bits and bobs that I didn't want grit too get into! Spent yesterday evening painting this Came out alright! Cant wait too get everything done and start piecing it together
Ollie666 changed their profile photo
Xvs650 something a bit different!
Cheers guys! Going to pick all the bits up today! Then got too work out what to do with the wheels and engine, everything else is powdercoated and ready, so there going to hold me up, any recommendations for painting over the chrome wheels and engine casings?