Everything posted by axl
Right Lad's
Oh shit! sorry sorry Yammie, I dont what came over me there saying that :oops:, yea we all know you are one very hot blooded lady that takes care to handle.
best Chain lube?
I just use engine oil when I put the bike at night, I do it maybe twice a week, that way it gives it a chance to soak in, thats what Iv'e done for years anyway. Cause these fancy spray's that "don't fly off", aye right!!!, Iv'e not used one yet that hasn't.
Right Lad's
If we all just ignore this fuckin' twat he will fuck off!, cause he will no one to play with!. Even if if he answers post just let it be no matter how much he annoys us.
Hello, Good Evening & Welcome
Welcome aboard m8 :tu
Swap or not to swap
I was on it yesterday, and it drove fine, I spoke the guy this afternoon again on the moby, cause I'd sent a tex saying I dont think so I'll think about thing's ect, ect. He called me back and asked why, cause I said (as written above) why not just take all the stuff off his own ect. His answer was I dont have the proper clock bracket youv'e got, plus I'd need to buy other head light's. He really (so he say's) wants mine cause it's got everything done to it, to save him the hassle, I'm still kinda dodgy. I said I'll phone him back tonight and either ye or nae!
What do you guys do for a living?
Learning to do web design And a part time arsehole
U guys
Fek, it's all happening Yammie innit!
Top 5 Road Racers of All Time
Mmmm, now the same name's are coming up all the time!
Top 5 Road Racers of All Time
Sheene Swantz Rainey Hailwood Agostini Doohan And thats off the top of my head!
Who's heard of
Belgom Alu (if thats the right spelling!), any good?
Name The Players.......
Yea right!!, your one of the oldest farts on here :wink:
Swap or not to swap
Well!, thats one way to put it, I think I'm gona tex him (not calling to fekin dear) and tell him thanks but no!. Cheers guy's, youv'e made me think about thing's here, and help'd me make my mind up :wink: Btw...I s'pose if I want an ex race bike, I'll give Mr Rossi a call :wink: , now that would a good un!!!
U guys
Oh!, ach don't worry youv'e got all your mates here to keep you goin', I get like that too, life's just a pita. Did you get your tyre fixed?, or go for a run somewhere (yourself, if thats what you'd prefer) and just relax.
is there anyone
Eh, just a bit!, I phoned Ride On in Glasgow, call it £100 :shock: , it was something like £96 either in/ex vat I can't remember, basically £100!. That guy I spoke to from the thread swaping below, he said Ronnie in MC's (bike breaker in Glasgow) did his for £45 I think. But only charged him £10 cause they didn't need done :-k .
Swap or not to swap
Mmmm, I see :-k , I did wonder a bit to honest I wanted to hear you guy's comments on it, but yea I see where your "coming from"!. Y'see all he said was he wanted a streetfighter, he wanted his seat raised the way mine is, now what I thought of is why doesn;t.didn't he just take his fairing off and raise his own seat, job done!!. Mind you one thing that did get me, when we met to check out each other's bike's, I took my log book and showed him it. Cause he wanted to check the engine/frame no's, but he didn't make any atempt to produce his :-k . So now he know's where I stay :evil: , but thats not where the bike is, should he get any ideas :wink: . Nah, I think your right guy's, There's somthing dodgy here, cause as I say, why doesn't he just convert his own!, be easier I think. Plus like you said (and so did he) his engine is all for top end power, eg thrashed to hell, cause after all, why do you tune anything!!.
Swap or not to swap
While out a run yesterday we stopped at Luss, and a guy came up to me and asked what I'd done to my bike, eg why did I streetfighter it. I said I didnt, but to cut a long story short, he want's to swap his a perfectly good standard bike very same as mine but a 93' K reg. Now he's had (so he say's) his engine tuned but it's bored out, (I think), race cam's, gas flowed head and a stage 7 Dyno kit. Plus he's taken the exup valve away and got a full stainless Micron system on, he reckons his bike's just nder a 900cc. But none of his brake light's worked, or the rev couter/indicator's, he said it just needs the wire's connected. Y'see I'm looking for a standard bike and he wants a streetfighter, do we just swap or no. The mile's on his are 55k, but the engine sounds fine, mine's 40k ans also sounds fine apart from it dies when idling, and so kinda does his, whats the verdict people, could have some opinions please.
is there anyone
In the west central Scotland area or there about's with vacum gauge's I could meet somewhere to and have my carbs ballanced, Or if they know someone who has, cheers. I know this probably sound's a bit daft, but I'm fed up with getting ripped off bith shops!
While out today
I encountered so many wankers in car's it wasn't funny :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I'm not proud of it, but the only way one arsehole saw me was becuase I narrowly missed kicking his fuckin' door, tosser. To all car driver's out there use your fuckin' eye's, thats what you got them for dickhead!!!
Just Reminding you :)
You dont know what I'm like then do you :twisted: You think Rabbit's are rampant, ha!
Alan's a Jock.....
Whey hey, I'm in wi a shout
Just Reminding you :)
Oh ya durty feker ye But I luv it =P~
- Alan's a Jock.....
Just Reminding you :)
I know you have a fettish for animals, but c'mon :twisted:
- Just Reminding you :)
Just Reminding you :)
Yea Yammie you can cum if you want