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Everything posted by axl

  1. axl posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Where can I get a new (if thats the only way) exhaust system (minus the end can) for a YZF750. I was the M&P site ect and everyone seems to do just end cans.
  2. axl replied to fredjee's post in a topic in Naked
    Where else is a name like Ashbourne gona be but England!, you certainly wont find it in Scotland. Thank fuck!!
  3. axl replied to mozzy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Mozzy!, for gods sake man get your act t'getther, stick to bikes :roll: Tell me something............Are you of the sports gear cropped head type variety!. Btw before you all jump down my throat, I'm not saying everyone who is like that are fuckwits. But where I live 99.99 % of them who dress & have cars like that are.
  4. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    Aye right :twisted: :roll:
  5. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    Of what
  6. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    Thats just what my bro in law did a couple of years ago, his dad's in California (dont know where mind you), but he did the trip on his bike about 3.5k from where he is NJ.
  7. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    Yammie, I'm not sayin' you shouldn't go on your own, I dont mean it a sarcasm, just be bloody carefull "out there", thats all. There alot of nutters as we all know, but enjoy yourself all the same :wink:, well if you do come to Scotty land maybe we could meet up for a natter. But like you say, see where you end up goin' first, just ride fast but safe :wink:
  8. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
  9. axl replied to yammie girl's post in a topic in General
    And here's you sayin' nothing botherers you and why should it, you went to London on your own ect ect, Ha! aye right! I dont mean that you didnt go to London, but that nothing bothers you!!!!, hey!, I'd kinda be shittin' myself goin' on a run on my owny o!, but just the fact that you say your so independant/no shit/ ect, ect.
  10. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Yep!, you could say that, it's turned both our live's upside down, and is a total mixture of emotions. I'm (and so is she prpbably) still getting used to it.
  11. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    No not yet, I was going for the 04 R1, but nope!, sports bikes are nockin' the shit outa me, just an auld fart noo! . I'm looking through just about every bike web site for ads I can find, but as you'll know by now Iv'e decided to go for another FJ12. It's a bit weird having a mom who's into bike's, really fekin' weird! :roll: Eh, it's "Mom" Yammie, she's American!!, born in the Bonnie land quite a few years ago, but spent the last 40 yrs in the NJ.
  12. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Yea she doesn't let age stop her doing anything :roll: :? :wink:
  13. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Thanks mate :wink:
  14. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Eh, well believe it or not, it'll my mom who'll be on the back :roll: :shock: :? It's a long story guy's, basically it's my mom who I just found after nearly 40 years, how about that!. And she like's bikes 8)
  15. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Yea this time Iv'e made my mind up, I will go another FJ12, problem is finding one . XT.........I'll be "two up" alot if/when I can find another FJ, so I dont think the XT will be suitable, thats not saying it's not a good bike.
  16. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Y'know summit XT, my mate said that, I told him to behave himself!, no really, I think I'm gona try and go for another FJ12. I did really like it, but it's like the Cinderella song I heard years ago, "you dont know what youv'e got till it's gone". Yep!, a truer word couldn't be spoken in my case. And the same could be said for the BM I had this time a year ago too :evil:. By f*ck, Iv'e really made alot of big big mistakes in the last year :evil: :roll:
  17. axl replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    I had an FJ12 this time last yr, and sold it :roll:, ok it wasn't the scratcher like the yzf but it was still pretty dam quick. But I guess you have to give things a try at time's, oh well thats me, well Iv'e tried.
  18. axl posted a post in a topic in General
    Yep as stated in "the bar", I'm selling the YZF, I'm getting to auld n sore, I'm not giving up bike's, oh no!!!. But I'll go for a FJ1200 if I can find one, I know it wont be the balls out "head in the clocks, arse in the air" of the yzf, but thats life!. But it's all thanks to my bike smash from years ago, yep there's few thinks "showing up" now, bastard! :evil:
  19. axl replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Eh, it's the result of my bike smash I had years ago, my wrists & back ache like hell, even after a small journey. Nope!, it's time to call it a day for sports bikes for me, oh well thats life I s'ppose! Y'see the thing, unlike getting a test drive in a car, you cant really do that with bike's, unless (if you buy from a "stealer", which I didn't) you can get run on a "demo". If I'd got a goos run on it before hand I dont think I'd bought it, but it's no fault of the bike, it's down to me.
  20. axl replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    So wot if I am!!
  21. axl replied to Beezkneez's post in a topic in The Bar
    She's fekin' 'orrible!!! Ha ha ha, that got u goin' didnt it :twisted:
  22. axl replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in General
    :tu =D> Hey!, I dont have them on now, there gone :twisted:
  23. axl replied to JohnR6's post in a topic in General
    I had the very same kinda thing in 81', I was turning right too, and got hit, my result was 2 broken thighs, ankle's, left wrist & hand, pelvis. And did something to my lower back that to this day I dont know what, and also something to do with the tendon/muscle in my left big toe. The bike!, it was written off too, a Fantic Caballero 50 a little dirt bike, I went to see it when I got out, (I got a GT250 when I recovered). What fekin' mess, infact the front forks were tore off out the yokes :shock:.
  24. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
  25. axl replied to axl's post in a topic in General
    Och fuck this, I'm getn nowhere here!