Everything posted by axl
new site..yak
Who are the other mods again, only thing is we'll all end up banned if we speak up .. fek it!, I'm not sayin' another thing, whatever's "put up" I'll just fekin' use it.
new site..yak
Och LC c'mon for gods sake, not again, what was wrong with other one, and yes when someone answers you via a quote it is hard/bright on the eyes.
The bike I had
Beez...............The handling was actually ok, I did get a few high speed slappers, but alot of it down shite road surfaces, well one your a good un' then a bad un'. Dave............How much would you have paid? T &T till Oct, no s/h, realatively good nick, 43k.
The bike I had
Yea till you hit the brakes, and everything hit's the tank :shock:
The bike I had
Yea, I should have made myself clearer :oops:
The bike I had
Here's the auld nail I just sold!
Anybody out today?
Yamhead......I noticed you said "your wifes Camaro" , I seen one in the paper the other day, how good/bad are they, it was an 82', not sure of the model.
Extract from saddam's trial
Yep, thats right!, I dont mean all down the legs, yuk! but a nice scragy "patch".
The bike I had
No I meant pics I cant send in.......... Do I detect sarcasm again fron Mr XT :-k :roll:
- The bike I had
- The bike I had
Extract from saddam's trial
Naw naw naw, you need hair!!
How does........
£1500 sound for a F reg exup (one of the 1st one's) with 31k mls, in pretty good good nick, haven't seen it yet kind you, but the sellers willing to travel to meet up.
pics of our selves and our pets
Yea I know about the properties stuff, cut n paste ect, I just dont know what do to to about a net location.
Extract from saddam's trial
Where u left it
Anybody out today?
Would be but dont have a bike now, oh well!
Extract from saddam's trial
Nope you need hair......... To peady for me , all that bald shit!, and no fuckin' "pencil lines" either!!
pics of our selves and our pets
How do you post a pic?
The bike's gone!
And there was me looking at a nice Gixer 11 !
The bike's gone!
Well I said there no FJ12's for sale, what I really mean is not near me in Glasgow. Well there's three in Two Ride On but he wants far to much. I feel I'm gona pack up somthin' to eat and head off down south, whenever anything shows up, ah the joys biking.
The bike's gone!
I sold the YZF today, I dont know whether I'm happy or sad, I had a few plans for it if it hadn't sold, oh well. Well I wonder what I'll end with now, still looking for the FJ12 mind you, but there's nothing for sale. I did call up about a FZR1k streetfighter (and before anyone says anything), it might have the flattish bars or it, plus he might not have raised the seat rails. But I guess time will tell what I get.
- My bike
- My bike
Is this right enough........
That must be the bike the guy in Ride On told me about, he said someone somewhere had "done a few thing's" to their bike :shock:
- My bike