Everything posted by axl
In case you didn't know.........
Watchit [-X
New here, own 1997 yamaha yzf 600r.
Hi Scot, nice there mate and it'll look even when you get the new color (I even spelt it the way you guy's do :wink: ), and to be honest, I dont know why we put a "u" at the end :?
new site..yak
Tch tch tch, oh c'mon now behave...........put all your toys back in the pram, there's a good boys
englishman,irishman and a scottishman
Aye y'see, you cant keep yer hons aff a gid Scotch lass, put her in place!, aye right!!!. Y'know sumthin' else, there more E*****h up here then E*****d, even the further north ye go there's fekin' hoards of you lot :roll: brave heart ya bass!!!!!!!!!!!
woo hoo
Yea but it's the original isn't it!!
In case you didn't know.........
Here here my arse, it's the straight fuckin' truth!!
new site..yak
Oh it's fekin' great to someone else in the line of fire! , it was Yammie and me the last time I remember. Twisted.........Dont worry about it, it's only banter :wink:
In case you didn't know.........
Fuck sake!!! corrupting young un's, there more corrupt/fucked up now (and getting worse) than ever, fuckin' arsehole governments again.
In case you didn't know.........
WTF is Angus young doin' there! :-k Bastard!! I didn't recognise Bon :oops:
- new site..yak
Greetings from Beijing
My god :shock: , and we think the driving here is bad, I guess it's nothin' to what happens there.
Greetings from Beijing
Good to hear from ye Alex, enjoying your hols I hope, teach all those "spring link's" how to speak
new site..yak
woo hoo
Yea I remeber that, it lifted from the rear didn't it, or was it the front :-k
new site..yak
C'mon Twisted, git yer guns oot quick, there could be a war startin'
International Ride 2 Work Day.....
I cant!, till I get another bike, and even then all I can do ride up the drive! :twisted: , I work from home!!
englishman,irishman and a scottishman
I just goes to show how hard us Scots are :twisted:, how tight the Irish are, and the English are pussies :twisted:
woo hoo
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg ddddiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggg
woo hoo
Dum de dum, "Iv'e a dream, silver dream machine" dum de dum . Are getting the "fro" to go with it, "Essex" style
tank handles
Yea I'm kinda miffed too, and an "R type" bike what the hell is that :? , "Race" or "R1" thingy, who know's! But yea these "handles" I suppose would be good!
A Nice RD.......
Yep!, far toooooooooooo much yellow.
Sorry to hear about your freind like the others asy may he R.I.P But as for you going on the road again, it really depends how you feel. If it does make feel you feel better, take yourself off the roads for a while, and maybe after some time you'll venture on them again. Time's a healer, but not allways!
Check this......
He's on fekin' summit thats for sure....... And it might his arse once someone hit's him for being such a dick!!
new f-t jacket
Do you want my "lugs" too
Check this......
Wanker out Fuckin' dreamer!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?Vie...item=2484943147