Everything posted by axl
This is mates for you!!
Yea it's bit hard when Iv'e known him for about 24yrs :?, The thing that gets me is that Iv'e had "space" in the gar for 4 yrs and it's only now he wants rent :?. I think alot of it's his g/f I think she to is behind it, but I'll never know, But I remember years ago, and I do mean about 15. A mate at the time said "watch him, he uses people". Yea he'll have a laugh with you but thats it, but get this......... When we used to go the pub, (now in my book, maybe yours too) the one who usually said "let's go for a pint!". Was usually the one who has the money in the first place and got a round in, not him!. I remember one occasion that happened, we got to the bar, I waited and waited. Then he said "are you not getting any drinks?", I said your the one who said to come out here, Iv'e no money! (I did, but wasn't telling him :twisted: ). What happened, we went out, cause he didn't have any :twisted:, that kinda sorted him. He also uses all my cleaning stuff (Meguirs) when it's in the gar :evil: . Ok it's only his bike, (as in smaller area than a car) but it's the fact that he just helps himself :evil:
This is mates for you!!
:-k never thought of that.
- Nice Template Guys!
This is mates for you!!
I know, well I think he can keep his lock up, I think he's just taking the piss but wanting half the money off me, and taking any off his brother. Like I say he's not forgot about what Iv'e done for him in the last few years, just doesn't seem to bother him.
Twistedmetal has hit the deck!
Ach dont worry about to much, we all do things at times that are no one's fault but our own, thats just life!, we live n learn. If I had a pound for every time I'd made an arse of thing's on the bike in the last 24 years, I'd really be quite rich by now!
Twistedmetal has hit the deck!
Hey he's here :wink:, how r u doin'!! Should we call you twistedwrist :oops: :wink: I was gona say twistedbike, but it's ot that bad is it.
A taste of china!
As all of the above said it's fuckin vile!!
off on holiday wooooo
Enjoy yersel mate :wink:
Twistedmetal has hit the deck!
:shock: Oh shit thats bad, hope he's ok apart from what you say.
In case you didn't know.........
Your joking aren't you!, when was the last time you were "up north" of Scotland, it's full of E*****h, there fekin' everywhere. They buy all the everything, and you say were all down there, aye right!!, just tell the last one who leaves to put the light's out.
This is mates for you!!
Right what would you lot do in a situation like this, you share a lock up with a "mate" who decides after 5 years yes 5 !!!! that he wants rent :evil: :?. But thats not it. his borthers bike's in there too (and has been for over 2 years), now I sad to him this afternoon about the rent, I also said "it'd need to be slit 3 ways, since we all have keys". He then said "I cant take money off my brother, he helped over the years", I didn't say anything there n then. But he seems forget (yea right) about the time I gave a loan of my bike for week to start his new job!! (been there 4 years now). Or he wouldn't have his fuckin' 12 bandit :evil: And the bike he's got now I took him it for it from Glasgow to Perth, then my last FJ12 he got that for a week, when his 12 bandit was "off the road" plus broke the gear lever, and didnt offer to pay for it :evil:. This is a guy Iv'e known for about 24yrs, now I sometimes have a hard time "talking straight" to mates where money's involved. How would you guy's deal with this, I'd like know!
Shell Optimax!
It's to expensive, these bastards get enough fuckin' money without givin' them more :evil:
who are we all
An arsehole!!! :twisted: :wink:
In case you didn't know.........
I reckon he's just one of of far to many wankers tht need shutting up for good!!!. After all who the fuck are hated and get kicked out of countries for shite behavour regarding football, Mmmm!!!. It's not the Scots, Irish, welch ect, it's these fuckin' wankers, cause they simply haven't a fuckin' clue how to conduct themselve's. Y'know sumthin', I wish someone would build a wall round the "cuntry" and fill the bottom half!!!, we just dont need them, and never have.
who are we all
Oh shit, I wouldn't have said that [-X , malting's catching as they say!
- Ha ha ha
- Ha ha ha
who are we all
It's ok we know :mrgreen: :wink:
- Ha ha ha
who are we all
get outa here and take your bloody VFR400 with you :twisted:
- Ha ha ha
In case you didn't know.........
Yea youv'e all got bigger mouths too :twisted: :wink: Beat us hands down my arse!!.............
who are we all
Ok, me then.............I stay in the south side of Glesgae I'm 40 yrs young (shutit!), Iv'e just sold my YZF last Sat, but nearly had an FJ12 yesterday, but it was junk. Right c'mon the rest o' ye, come oot come oot where ever ye are, we dont bite, well no yit :twisted:
who are we all
LC.........It's Fri night, some/most are prolly in the pub and answer tomorrow, or.......... They'll be to scared to answer S'funny how you get that on forums, the one's who sit back and "watch" the others "talk", Iv'e never really understood that :-k. So if there's anyone oot there that does that, tell us why!, go on go on go on
In case you didn't know.........
They can't!, cause there all woofters :twisted: