Everything posted by axl
Just Reminding you :)
What, an auld goin' grey fekr then
Just Reminding you :)
Yea, and I bet youv'e got the hairdo to match! Perm's r us
Just Reminding you :)
Go tell em Yammie go tell em!!! Bunch o poof's
Just Reminding you :)
got to save for rubber for the YZF somehow, you cheeky blighter you, yes I am very mean. Mean and good looking 8) And Yammie........You can under my kilt any day/night :wink: I dont wear thermals like all the boy's down south, us Scott's r hardy feker's you know.
Just Reminding you :)
I'm younger and better looking than the rest of them, and stamina fekn stamina, you aint seen nuthin' been with nuthin' yet lady. They dont call me Axl Fawke's for nowt ye know, cause of my rocket, it'll take you to the stars anyday/night, just remember that.
Just Reminding you :)
Just Reminding you :)
U'd fuck UM Fuck a minute ago you were telling him to fek off.
Just Reminding you :)
The take charge type eh! mmm. Stuck eh, so how many guy's did it take to prise her off, what a fuckin' mess I bet, all that juice mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just Reminding you :)
:shock: :shock: Oh fuck!, I feel a war starting, this time I'm gettn my sand bags up.
Just for Yammie
Hey Beezkneez........I'd say swallow Either that, or it'll get spat all over yer face :shock:
Just for Yammie
Just Reminding you :)
We all r :twisted: But 1 wrong move, ha! :twisted:
Just Reminding you :)
Nah, nah u wont upset anyone, just be urself, we've all been given each other a good ol slagging. But Yammie if you need a good...............................
Just Reminding you :)
You said that really nice!! 50 my arse [-X
Just for Yammie
Ach shit! :oops: A cant even get that right :roll:
- Just for Yammie
where is Mozzy
4 fek sake wumin', trust u
- Yammie
- Yammie
where is Mozzy
:neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener :neener Aha!, thanks Yammie!
12 Days to go!
Yea good luck Alex, enjoy yersel!, remember all us here and all those pressy's :wink:
where is Mozzy
Bastards, bastards!!!!! How the hell is that done!!!!!
- Yammie
where is Mozzy
What the hell do you do to get that, yea it kinda makes me feel odd too.
Just for u, one speedo coverter from M&P, it's £60 mind you :shock: Eh, just do you post a pic on here?, I thought it was just click img then paiste the pics then click close img, but when you do that all you get is the whole bloody web site :evil: , whats wrong?