Everything posted by axl
flat tyre on the A11
Aye you know you did, ya bugger ye :twisted:
- Alan's a Jock.....
flat tyre on the A11
Smart arse, you changed that :twisted:
- flat tyre on the A11
flat tyre on the A11
Hey Yammie, Minute's I bet
Alan's a Jock.....
Fekn ell', your givin' yer age away
flat tyre on the A11
Will that be single or whipped (into a frenzy!) I dont think I should have said that :?
Alan's a Jock.....
Nah, nah your better off wi Jack n Victor!
- U know summit
- U know summit
Just Reminding you :)
Fekin' good un, UM!
Just Reminding you :)
I dont smoke either, but I'm still fucked
- Twins
XT update!
Fekin' luverly Pete (now I know your name) :tu
Just Reminding you :)
Hey!, you leave my big kettle out o this, you hear You know the one, with the frame sponsored by Dunlop
Just Reminding you :)
Bastard!!!, so thats what happened to me all those years ago, fuck I know now :twisted:
flat tyre on the A11
Thats shite Yammie, a pita that is. And here was me looking forward to all those nice pics, oh well another time maybe, eh!
Just Reminding you :)
I think most of us have tried stuff over the years, but like you say too most of us grow up and get the head screwed on and build a life. But there is (as we all know) a few who keep on at it, and it's them who fuck thing's up, tough shit!
Just Reminding you :)
Yea I know what your saying, but like I said before too, I dont see anything wrong with taking a few puffs, It didnt do me or my mates any harm, just simply relaxed us, and didn't lead us on to harder stuff either. And the same goes for drink, if you can go to the pub and have a couple of pint's and go out then fine. But thats why I'm saying to much of anything is bloody crazy and will fuck you up, as you, me and countless other's know. If these people are stupid enough to drugs of someone thev'e never met or dont know thats their prob
Just Reminding you :)
- Twins
Laconia NH and Mt Washington pics from the 17th
I wish I was there
Me's goin' oot tae play
Nope, fraid' not, I hate the game! But I do that today's footballer's are poof's compared to them by gone day's, and earn far far toooooooooooo much bloody money :evil:
My Motorcycle Theory Test
Nice 1 great stuff :tu Happy bikin' mate 8)
Laconia NH and Mt Washington pics from the 17th
Tym....That looks 8)