Everything posted by axl
what would you do?
Unless youv'e got pay to get off them, I wouldn't bother.
How far can people check you out
I was bidding for a phone, but Iv'e got a - agains't me and he said didn't even let me bid!, I had said I'd emailed ebay regarding this but it didnt do anything at all. He just said along the lines of "tough luck, I'll report you to ebay", whether he did/will I dont know. Then I got an email from him with a very dark background with a police thing an it, and I will admit I kinda oh shit!, who's this. But like you say Iv'e been doing/sending nothing dodgy, apart from sending the odd pics to a mate of women :twisted:, but nope nothing serious. He said he'd tracked my IP addy, he probably has, but I think if NTL thought for a minute I'd been doing anything dodgy they'd have been "on my case" long before now, at least thats what I think.
How far can people check you out
Iv'e got nothing to hide, but really can that happen!, can they really check things out.
How far can people check you out
On the pc that is, I was emailing a a guy on ebay, he said he's logged on the ip addy and warned me he'd report me if I continued to email him. How far can the police "look into it", (well he said he was a cop, with a black background on his email so I couldnt see what I was writing :evil: )
Bike 1 - Car 0
You know Beez, I can relate to that, not that I have any kids, I dont!, infact I'm my own man there you are, dont even have a g/f, how sad is that . Anyway as I was saying, yea when I'm out on the bike I kinda dont want to come off it either (yea that way too!). Mind you got to admit, t'other day were out, and got caught in a bloody downpour, it was good just putting the bike away and getting the car and putting heater on, yep! fekin' good it was. But I was totaly soaked and hungy, Iv'e got excuse
how did you
i think I just put "Yamaha help" into the search engine and there's a few, but I clicked on this, and the rest is well history I suppose I used to use the an RD site, there was/is a guy on there 200mphbuttrider, what a fekin' name, is he gay or summit :? :roll:. That backyard was a joke, and all he ever posted was porn, and lots of it!, might still be same dunno. Iv'e been another called Yamachat, it's quite good too, but I'm not on it as much as here.
Bike 1 - Car 0
I used to just have a bike, but Iv'e had a bike n car for a couple of years, I suppose I had to use the bike all the time I'd just need to. But when you the two yes you do get used to it!, but I suppose you also get used to having one eg the bike. My mates like that, he goes to Asda and everywhere on the bike, he's never had a car. Having said that, he's trying to get one now, cause he's got a wee girl (she's 4) and he cant obvious them all on the bike . But I think if didn't have her he wouldn't bother, and obviously he's out in all weathers, but you know what'll happen. Once he get's the car, he'll use it more all the time, maybe not but I think he might.
maintainence courses
Oh well, at least your honest
maintainence courses
I wouldn't do it Pete, she'll probably tell you where to go, known her, fuck that for game of soldiers. As she's allready said what she's like, I personally wouldn't go near people like that, fek em!, just let them read n learn for themselves. If your not willing to take advice very good then tough shit!! And that was my dad that told me that me years ago, so!!
speed cameras
Yea I suppose I am in a way!...........The petrol strike was good, but not good enough and thats the hard straight facts!. What (I think) we need is for "cuntry" to be brough to complete fuckin' hault, where nothing moves, and I do mean nothin'!. Thats (again in my opinion) the only way these wankers will listen to anyone, because I'm not kiddin' there just laughin' at just now. They try to to make us all believe all their fucked up shit, and half the time when they do talk it sounds so fuckin' convincing that we do believe it. I tell you, if knew I'd get away with it, I'd down there bomb the pricks :evil: :evil:, we need a new government, who dont lie!!!
speed cameras
There's no point at all in rantin' n ravin' on a fuckin' web site where these arseholes dont see it. What you'd need to do is go to Downing St and kick up fuck and run the risk of gettin' arrested. And it would need to hundreds of thousands of us. Then and only then they might get their fingers out the brown ring and listen, but apart from that as Iv'e said before they just fuckin ' laugh at us and keep doin' it. And all because we just moan a bit then pay up. It's the people who are the arseholes as well as the pricks who "run" the "cuntry"
This is stupid
Yea I'm kinda like you to, my "hey look I can wheelie the bike" days are over, but again like you say just to do "pop it up" now n again when the feeling grabs, thats all .
maintainence courses
Well, Yammie if thats what your like (and I said that didn't I) you'll never meet anyone.
This is stupid
Fekin' great LC, I was pissing myself when I read that :wink:, I remember these day only toooooo well! But yea cheers guy's n Girls, I'll give it a try, I'll prolly shit myself in the proccess :roll:
This is stupid
Why do you say it'd have to be tuned to be able to do it 2nd/3rd does it not have enough torque to "lift it" ro something is that it, I'd have thought it was me just not "having the knack".
This is stupid
But I was out yesterday with a few mates, a butto cut long stort short I couldnt wheelie that fekin thing (yzf750) :oops: :evil:. I tried the usual "power" wheelie in 2nd and 3rd but it just wouldn't lift, I had it reving to about 5k ish. Will it have to reved higher!, I now it's stupid asking but there you go.
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
, no one's fast enough to get near me to pull them :wink:
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
Yea I guess I was hasty/childish, Iv'e had quite a bit of grief in the few day's, and I guess I just wasn't in the right frame of mind. btw......The haven't fell of yet, my Bishops ears that is :wink:
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
Oh yea I know every fucker laugh's at me, I'm just of those pricks that fucks about through life. So just fuck off and leave me to it, infact I wont be on here again, cause it's quite obvious I'm just makin' 1 utter and complete cunt of it.
Am I the only sad bastard
Fuck this, am not sayin' anything else about it. Apart from bye bye.
Am I the only sad bastard
There not floppy, it's the Bishops style..............and fekin lighten up!!
Am I the only sad bastard
Thats what one of my mate's has, better not tell XT :secret , he's just an auld fart
NGK Iridium IXtreme Plugs!
Cheers' m8, it's just bit of harmless fun thats all!!, but he cant see that, its put's us (according to him that it) into the boy racer of the bike word, fekin bollocks!!. We're (well I'm not) not stuck in the 80' with Motorhead n cut off's But hey!, like I said abouve, he's got his view's, Iv'e got mine, like you say too things change, and I just like a laugh. And to think all this started off about Iridium plugs :? :roll:
Am I the only sad bastard
I guess I must be, oh well who care's.
Yam manual on CD
Yea if you could, that'd great, thanks......Oh , you dont have to zip it!