SR 125 Custom rebuild
Bloody hell jonny that's one hell of a top box reminds me of one I knocked up for a ap50 nearly 40 years ago while working at a cider canning factory at the end of the day the boss put all over or under filled cans on a big pallet and you could help yourself !
SR 125 Custom rebuild
Jonny stay away from the chinky shit I bourght a Suzuki 100erz for my 14 year old boy It hadn't been run for 10 years but some new fuel and a couple of kicks and it was ticking over a year done the line it's still trucking ! Would prefer a push bike to a chiinky bike good luck bro
It /dt project
Love your post drewpy made me laugh mate ! at Ieast i was having trouble with iPads rather than asking advice on how tight a spark plug should be eh ! give me a spanner any day bud been to see the guy I bourght my project from today he said there were lots of bits that he had somewhere and he would dig them out for me well 3 months on and he still hasn't found them he said he would ring if he finds them a familiar story I have heard a few times ! Will post some photos Sunday after work the suspense must be killing you lol!
It /dt project
Lads I know this isn't a picture of a Yamaha but in the circumstances I think it's appropriate! As I have spent way to many hours trying to post some pictures anyway this is how I sussed it in the end I read photobuckets website and surprise surprise it had how to post images to flaming forums I was trying to paste image text into the URL insert other media box but they said paste the direct link into the URL insert other media box and hey flaming presto it worked!
It /dt project
It /dt project
just tried that Paul it just shows all the text in the post and no photo am not going to waste anymore time I will take the iPad to a computer guy in town tomorrow and get him to show me where iam going wrong thanks for trying to help rich
SR 125 Custom rebuild
Know what you mean Jonny blackhat put it best mate any things possible it's just cash think we ort to do a bit of crowd funding ! Lol doing a car boot this weekend to finance a few more bits given up looking for a it airbox seen a universal enduro one for 20 quid gonna give that a try iam I will pick a more popular bike next time as it 125 stuff is mega rare have a good weekend mate
It /dt project
Hi drewpy I joined photobucket .com I think I was having trouble pasting from the iPad and that's why I only pasted phobucket to my post . I have selected a image in my photobucket library then pressed copy then gone to insert other media then pressed insert image from URL then pasted it . It shows the URL http image text in red and the cursor just whirls any advice before I throw the iPad down the toilet! Cheers rich ps blackhat would have completely rebuilt one his 400s in the time it's taken me not to post some photos!
It /dt project
It /dt project
s1244 Paul Thanks for your patience I think I have sent photos all over the place but sadly not here ! I have opened a photo bucket acc I really don't know what iam doing if in doubt get the kids to show you which I will do tomorrow they are both tucked up in bed know when I know when they show me how easy it is I wii be kicking myself!
It /dt project
http://s1244.phobucket.com Hi blackhat iam still having trouble posting any photos I have opened a photo bucket acc and uploaded them to a album but pasting them to the site iam just going round in circles mate said Iwas a crap with computers as you can see I have managed to post the album number of the image god give me a bike and a manual any day any help I would be real grateful thanks rich
SR 125 Custom rebuild
01634 242018 bike shop in Kent solid no rot with good bushes that don't need changing 25 quid 8 quid post grab it before someone in the us buys it lol! I saw lots of really rotten ones going for stupid money why anyone would buy a swing arm that needs welding is beyond me ! this one looks sound mate he might have a wheel as well you never know am off to work now bud cheers rich
SR 125 Custom rebuild
Hi Jonny Got fed up trawling for my hens teeth airbox tonight dps breakers somerset have a swinging arm and a guy selling sr bits gumtree parts I think if you look hard uk will come up trumps way more sr bits than flapping it airboxes in blity good luck bud rich
It /dt project
Thanks for the advice I know I should be concentrating on one project at a time but after seeing your 400s I was gutted missing out on the one I saw on the net the other night you hardly ever see them on the net let alone at that price! Must stop dreaming and brave the North Pole like garage and move forward!
How to post photos
Thanks for your help !
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