Hi guys and girls first post here. This is a long one but I thought I should include as much information as possible, especially seeing as there are several other threads about this particular fault with varying degrees of success & failure...
I acquired a 2012 YBR Custom recently, haven't been out on it much, but I am struggling with the fuel pump/warm weather issue that seems to be a common thing on these bikes..
I've replaced the pump itself, which included draining and cleaning the tank, and I thought bingo this works, but after being out on her for 10-15 minutes, when she gets warmed up fully, the engine begins to idle rough and will cut out at idle, there is a general lack of power throughout the rev range too. Once she has continued stalling for a while she will eventually not start, and the fuel pump won't prime as normal when the ignition key is switched to 'ON'.
The only time when she has been reliable was when I was caught out at about 3am one morning last week, when it rained and thundered so much I thought the roads were going to turn to rivers and carry me out to the English Channel.
With the cold weather and rain described above this leads me to believe it is definitely a temperature-related problem. I started her this morning just for a quick idle but once it had warmed up outside the tank refused to prime again.
A guy at a local Yamaha dealer said that I could try opening the metal fuel pump itself (seems impossible?! They looked completely sealed as a unit?!) and sanding down the propeller/component(s) so that there is less chance of it expanding, and therefore catching or stopping during use. However, as I have replaced the pump already and am having the same problems with both so I don't think this will solve the issue of it not priming.
No engine management warning lights. Less than 6k on the clock, I have changed the spark plug, completed an oil and air filter change, tightened the chain and I usually keep her off-road underneath a cover. I will give some of the bits a spray with WD now and again if I haven't time to give her a thorough clean. There has been a 1/3 to 3/4 full tank with fresh fuel in and I've also chucked some petrol additive/cleaner in there too.
Going to test some of the wiring tomorrow, specifically going to have a good look at the ignition coil, should there be anything else I can check? I am starting to get to the limit of my (already limited) knowledge with these kind of machines, there must be something that tells the fuel pump to start working, my guess is that whatever that is starts to fail whenever it is warm, so the pump sends less fuel and then the bike just continues to stall and cut out.
Thankyou for reading this essay, I really do hope someone can help, I've just done my CBT and want to continue learning so I can complete my DAS!
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