Everything posted by noob
HI I'm f*ckin new tard!
If thats what you think then fine. You may also want to have a go at my other Yamaha, my just sold Honda and my MZ 125. Why not, seems like thats all your life is made up of, being a tit.
Gotta strange quiestion..w/pics
Yes I tried it once, I was offered a Harley. Wouldnt fit so I declined the offer.
HI I'm f*ckin new tard!
To me a Harley is a foreign made pile of shite made for people who cant ride anything else, mainly cause no woman will let them take a ride.
Better than rusting apart I suppose.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
I ride .2 tonnes of steel around every day. I will ride this "pile of plastic" in any weather, not giving a shite if it gets wet or not, not too bothered how much chrome has rusted through either. It is stored in the garden under a cover. I dont clean the chrome, I dont worry about scratches and polishing them out. I ride the bike. If I wanted to look like an over paid rejected biker, I would have got a Harley.
HI I'm f*ckin new tard!
I rode your mother, god, more lumpy than a fucking Harley.
Gotta strange quiestion..w/pics
Hay, I'll get a harley the day my head fits up my own arse.
Insurance help for an XJ
I have a plan now. Theres no legal requirement for how it is restricted, aslong as it doesn't produce more than 33 BHP. I am going to put a plate on the carb bracket that will physically restrict the throttle movement and get it dyno tested .
Insurance help for an XJ
I might have problems now anyway. Being on a restricted license I am limited to 33 BHP, and as the bikes got a stock power of 82, it needs restricting. I can't get a restriction kit for it as the frame numbers don't match up with what the supplier expects and goes off.
Insurance help for an XJ
Hay all. I bought an XJ 750 SECA and I am having trouble finding insurers that will insure it, being a US model. I found 2, but would like some more to get more quotes from. Got any sugestions on insurers that will insure it? Cheers. I should add that I am in the UK.
Why do yall put pipes on your plastic bikes?
I wondered why most people rip the shit out of Harley riders, now I can see why. Arrogent bastards .
All of these bikes are wannabee Harleys
I bet you have a Harley and it's never seen a drop of rain, never seen a wet road and has allways been tucked up all nice and warm indoors incase you scratch the chrome . I did a 150 mile run on an SR 125, spent 7 hours on the road, in the pissing rain, loaded up with 4 days worth of camping gear, and stopped for 5 minutes once when I needed to fuel up. It has done 3000 miles in 2 months, mostly over 100 mile runs and has NEVER refused to start, never failed and has allways got me to where I was going. It will do over 60 miles flat out without a problem and has the best spoke pattern ever.