Hello all, just registered and have a feeling I'm already doing things wrong (maybe shouldn't have had that last beer). If I am, please correct me and advise of rules and protocols. I'm an old guy who has picked up biking again after 36 years (I know, I know) and I really enjoy my Dragstar 125. Have already read and been amused by (in a fun way) by some threads. I have never ridden a cruiser before ( I know it's only a baby cruiser) and I understand and appreciate all the comments about how different it is. Having said that, I love it. I love the "smell the roses" feel of it and the fact that (as commented on in the threads) awareness, observation and planning ahead are a really positive experience. Obviously, I have a steep learning curve ahead but so far loving it. Love the forum too and hope I never offend (if I do it certainly won't be intentional). Thanks