1973 Yamaha AT3
And here is me thinking it would be something a bit more technical!! Need a load of nuts and bolts for this resto. Anyone got any ideas?
1973 Yamaha AT3
Back again! Maybe wrong place to ask this question but how do you remove a worn armature? Haynes do not explain!
1973 Yamaha AT3
Thanks for your comment Blackhat but apart from the ebay global ripoff, US postal service USPS are just as bad. They use standard size packets/boxes and fixed prices so a small item can cost as much as a larger item. Although a lot of these guys are in it just for the money. It breaks my heart to see perfectly good bikes ripped apart to sell in pieces, especially the classic ones. Any pictures at the moment would be e bit of a joke but I may just send a couple up for a laugh. I have no nuts or bolts for any of this and thought it would be metric but they don't seem to like to go in and I don't like to force stuff, so would appreciate a word to the wise from someone, thanks!
1973 Yamaha AT3
Maybe bitten off more than I can chew here! Picked up a matching engine and frame and though it would be a fairly simple rebuild as I was not looking for a full blown restoration. Trouble is AT3's were not sold in the UK and parts are a plenty in the US of A it's just that postage costs are astronomical! What is it with the US postal system? The tiniest thing comes in a great big packet and they charge the earth for it! Sorry for whinging. Need some AT3 spares Tank single seat, fork tubes etc etc. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. I did have a contact in the states who helped by sending a box of stuff over which was very helpful and cost effective but he has moved and I have lost contact. Finger crossed and thanks in advance,
125 YBR
Thanks guys. I have tried just about everything apart from cutting it off which would leave me with a big bolt stuck in the casing and no way of putting the pedal cradle back on. I think Slice may be right, trip to the Yammie dealer and bleed poverty!! Who am I kidding ..........I am poor!!
125 YBR
Have seen this vid. This bike is a later model to mine. My pegs are on a cradle with a long bolt that goes right through casing. If I cannot get this bolt out then I cannot remove pegs to remove casing to either replace the clutch or clean the oil filter. Seems like no one has had this problem .......... just my luck!!
125 YBR
I would appreciate some advice as to how to remove the long bolt that holds the foot peg bracketry in place and stops me getting at the oil filter. 2008 model. I tried to remove it and the head sheared off. I have tried getting it hot ie going out for a quick spin and the hitting the bolt. I have tried WD40 but so far no success. Is there a clever way of removing this bolt that I do not know? I will say that Yamaha dropped one on this design imo. With such a long bolt it was always going to seize up especially due to its position on the bike and the amount of hot and cold drawing in moisture against steel and aluminium. I hope someone has the answer to this as it is a big issue when it come to any kind of maintenance on the bike. Thanks, Ratchet
Hello Folks
Just a quick Hello. Hoping I can get a little help here and there to learn a bit more about Yamaha's, so I will apologise now for asking stupid questions and sounding like a complete spanner. But as my dear old Dad used to say "if you don't ask you may never know, and is easier to look stupid for 5 minuets than 5 years". Cheers, Ratchet
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