Bit of a long winded story this so will endevour to keep it short. Anyway had insurance with A-Quote for a hornet 900 not bad price and renewed it last september,then in december i accidently pur chased an MT01 and part chopped the hornet. Aquote gave a highish rate but i could just about live with it. Then had operation on my hand and couldnt ride for three months. As i have an old zephyr 750 in me shed thought i know i'll insure that instead of the mt01. They Quoted me a higher price for the zephyr(£440) thats 10 years old, then they did for a brand new mt01. When i questioned this they said the zephyr was a more nickable bike and would not budge. I then phoned round for some quotes elsewhwere and got a quote for the mt01 that was 200quid less than the zephyr. I therefore changed insurance companies but now A quote have said i owe them all but £5 of the whole years worth of insurance even though i cancelled due to ridiculously high premiums. I've told them to go F*** themselves. Morale of the story is stay away from A QUOTE