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Everything posted by BikerMike92

  1. BikerMike92 replied to Dazza45's post in a topic in The Bar
    how many miles has your piston done? your rings could be a little worn so your not getting the extra compression you need for it to start easier... the wiring diagram is easily available on google images bud... but where you've said you want to get the lights going AGAIN.... what do you mean again? have they failed at some point? or did you/previous owner just remove them?
  2. BikerMike92 replied to onlynay's post in a topic in The Bar
    personally Id say 100% its the battery, the whirring noise is a dead give away if it works after a ride!! iv had it on a few scooters, its definitely the battery thats f**ked, its not holding its charge and draining straight away, and then after you've been riding it and the bikes been charging it a bit itll stay charged for maybe 30-45mins and then its drained again. you can pick up a budget battery from Halfords for £15 that's all you'll need for a scoot. its a 2 stroke so don't be too worried about it smoking if its not affecting the performance of the bike, it could be anything as simple as whoever serviced it has used different oil to its used to so is smoking a bit more. ask the service station what oil was used in it would be my first suggestion, each to their own but i only ever use Castrol or silkolene oil (if you like your bike that is lol), chances are they wouldn't have turnt up your oil pump or anything so I wouldn't fiddle with that, could be a crap spark plug so its not burning properly, that's worth a change anyway if its been running a bit rich aswell! decent oil £10-£15 (drain the old first if its not a good quality oil) battery £15 spark plug £4-£10 (personally I like to use irridium plugs and always carry a spare but again each to their own) I don't know how much your service centre charges you to check it over and repair/service it but for the sake of £29-£40 Id really say give it a go yourself, scooters are fairly simple and are a good place to build your bike knowledge (its where I started, and iv never looked back since)
  3. so after a week of sweating it and stressing iv still not been able to find anyone that has any idea on how to fit this loom (makes me feel abit better knowing its not just me haha) iv finally decieded to spend an hour on paint, deleteing all the "extras" I don't want off a loom diagram and have just left myself with the bare basics I need to get the bike running, if it works, happy days ill upload some pics of the connections and my loom edit pic, just incase anyone else stumbles across the same problem, I'm pretty confident itll work!! theres a couple wires slightly different colour but I'm about half way through and they seem to be going to the right places anyways so that doesn't matter too much! going to call it a night on the loom don't want to rush when I'm getting tired so ill carry it on tomorrow and let you all know how it goes! look for my build thread when iv finally got it running, ill be pulling the lump out and starting from scratch basically! anyone else got any other non-yammy project builds? iv also got a 1988 rg gamma 125 & an 05' ludix blaster 70cc racer that both need minor work to finish, fingers crossed ill be done with all 3 by the end of summer!!
  4. 1992 dt125r frame, with a 3mb dt125re engine, I'm unsure of the year it was already in it when I got it, it did have a bodged dt125r loom on it but like an idiot I took it off without taking pics of what went where so now I cant even put that back on
  5. well my looms finally arrived (iv got 2 just incase got them cheap so had to be done) basically I cant work this loom out and its driving me nuts, I'm not the most patient person and I'm literally 10mins away from dropping a match into the tank, can anyone come help me install this loom? I don't care about lights or clocks or any of that, itll probably just get daytime mot'd anyway, so all I really need is the bike starting. as iv said iv got two looms so one can be stripped down to just what I need for it to start and I can keep the other for if I ever have lights etc put on it. I really am lost, I thought it would be straight forward but obviously not... any help will be massively appreciated
  6. I'm guessing ill need to keep that on the bike then lol thanks Airhead as I was going to remove it, I'm glad I didn't now
  7. BikerMike92 replied to beef's post in a topic in The Bar
    I doubt theres many on here but I'm good with scooters lol, I'm also fairly good at refurbing cracked and broken fairings, I can do the basics on geared bikes, swap forks etc, top end rebuilds, and I can do basic repairs to looms (as long as theyre not completely butchered like my dtr one), and I'm based in Plymouth, devon
  8. greetings from across the pond lol England, UK
  9. BikerMike92 replied to SteveHow's post in a topic in The Bar
    the first thing that popped into my head when I read the title of the thread was "air leak" as kev has said, grab a can of easy start, get her ticking over, and give anything that could potentially leak air a spray, it your bike revs higher then chances are you've found your problem bud, personally iv not really encountered "prime" settings on a fuel tap, I don't think id like it either lol every bike iv owned has worked on a vaccum line and its never let me down, maybe worth connecting a vacuum pipe also and letting that pull in the fuel instead of basic gravity but as I said iv never encountered one so I'm not 100% sure it would be any better, if any different at all sorry I couldn't help more but fingers crossed you resolve the problem
  10. well.... after a very long search on the internet (about 8hours in total lol) iv managed to source 2 dtre looms at a great price, so they've been ordered and are being picked up tomorrow by the courier that's one of my problems solved lol now I just need to source a new snorkel for the air filter, work out what the box on my oil tank is for, I think it could be an alarm system or immobiliser or something? my old dtr definitely didn't have one fitted! my forks both need new seals n dust covers fitted..... or am I better off just sourcing a second hand pair that has decent seals as iv never done fork seals before? and I'm thinking by the time iv payed for the seals, dust covers, oil, seal puller etc ill probably be better off skipping the hassle and paying a little extra for a decent set.. I need a couple new servo cables as the previous owner has tried using the oil cable part from a throttle cable to power it lol that wont cut it with me even if it works, id rather replace it and feel the full effects when she;s finally ready. so the real question is, do I use the oko thing I got spare with it (previous owner said that was what was on it originally :/) or do I clean up the mikuni carb and use that? also is there anywhere I can get brand new panels for it? and does anyone know what other panels I could put on it? I quite like the yz mudguards etc, could I do a full plastics convertion if I change the tank also? will it be a direct fit? id like to upload pictures of my build as I go aswell is there any specific place I should post it or should I just post it onto this thread iv already started? summer time soon lads and ladies baaaaaaaaaaaap
  11. thank you, its my first time posting in a forum, i usually just google my problem and find a solution to my problem in the comments on forums lol, iv read the same in the past on forums where people are "invited" to introduce themselves first as you've said, so i thought id best not get off on the wrong foot here as i plan to keep this bike for a while so chances are I'm going to need a point in the right direction now and then and maybe even be able to help someone else I'm good with engines and cosmetics but carbs and electrics are my downfall lol Plymouth used to be a beautiful place and a good city to live in, used to be full of culture and art but if I'm honest the council has destroyed everything that made it Plymouth, its more like a concrete slab of cr*p now thank you drewpy, much appreciated and nice to meet you
  12. boring i know but i thought it was would be rude not to post and introduce myself first since I'm asking for advice and i didn't know what to say so i there ya go lol, i was supposed to post in the newbie section i dunno how i ended up posting it on here but i dunno how to delete/move it now so its kinda too late lol
  13. hi lads, basically I managed to buy another dtr125 a couple hours ago but this one has a dtre engine and they've used the dtr loom (I think) and have just chopped it up in places, the lad I got it off had it running 3weeks ago but now it wont start, the engine feels spot on (better then my last one if I'm honest) so I don't think its anything to do with that, more to do with this loom, the snorkel being ripped out and some plum screwing a oil pump cover there to try to cover the hole, it has a mikuni carb on it which I don't think my previous one had and it also came with a 30mm oko carb (not sure about that either to be honest my brains a sieve lol also it seems to have a box screwed onto my oil tank? deffo didn't have that on my last one!! the ignition has been replaced, but... you guessed it, chopped, twisted and taped together! no clocks (don't use them anyway lol) has anyone got a couple of diagrams for the dtr and dtre looms? I cant seem to find a good quality one I can actually read on the internet :/... also has anyone on here actually used a dtr loom on a dtre engine and have any pointers? iv just took the loom out completely, front end first couple inches of wires looks a bit dire but I reckon I maybe able to save it, but the rest seems okay(ish), i cant find a dtre loom anywhere so its a ring round to all the breakers tomorrow but I'm just trying to plan ahead and assume i cant find one (learnt to expect the worse lol) ermm i think that's about it really, any help, ideas, or advice would be greatly appreciated
  14. hi lads, my names mike I'm from Plymouth, devon. got my first bike about 20months ago (ybr125) didn't really like it as it just seemed boring and cold compared to a car, sold it, few months later got a 2stroke and iv been building, swapping selling and modifying bikes ever since, I think I'm on my 13th now haha (still got 2 and 2 projects). so since the summer when I started working on my first 2 stroke iv learnt how to rebuild bikes completely myself, I still get stumped now again but I think with no real qualifications I'm doing alright haha! anyways I had an old '91dtr a few months back, modified it a bit (cosmetically mainly as I was happy with the power ) then got skint and sold it regretted it ever since and as luck would have it a lad walked past the mothers earlier pushing a DTR, asked him how much for a bit of banter and ended up actually buying it there and then so I'm over the moon haha, its been an unexpectedly good day! I guess you all know whats coming but ill get another post in the right place and explain there, just wanted to pop in tell ya a bit about myself and say hi then I post this in the wrong place lol sorry lads dunno how to delete it or move it to the right place lol