DT 175 remove oil line (to clean carby)
Hi, I have a DT 175 (Year around 2000) that I want to clean the carby because its running rough. How does one remove the 2 stroke oil line connected to the carb, so one can dismantle on the bench? It seems to be connected with a non-removable clamp around the actual oil line. Thanks in advance Steve
Hello. I'm new here.
Hello and thank you for hosting this great site. Never enough credit is given to those that host forums, so thanks again. I have an DT175N Idle problem (below) if you think you can help. But KevtheRev has kindly nudged me towards a surprising direction. Thank you KevtheRev. (Is that Rev as in Head or Reverend) Though a priest might be handy, we could ask for devine intervention. lol (Joking guys) Thanks Steve
DT 175 erratic Idle
Hello and thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully help. I have a Yamaha DT 175 that is running rough and when warmed up has Idle issues. When the engine is at maximum operating temperature, I have to keep adjusting the Idle from either (at times) being to high, or to low. It's hard to explain because its so erratic. For example, again when the engine is well up to operating temp and one backs off the Throttle (where earlier the idle had been set), the engines RPM (Or Idle) doesn't came back down to where it was set. So, I wind it back down.....then later, during the same ride, the Idle becomes to low when throttling off, and will stall the engine. (Obviously because its now to low) The bike model is DT175N which I think is around 1999-2000 date made. I have not dismantled the carb yet, I was hoping someone might recognize these symptoms, and I was wondering if it might be a fuel line issue....here is why. (I have checked and cleaned the Air Filter) Let me say, I know nothing about how these Energy Injection/Carbs work, but today I checked the fuel lines and found something curious/puzzling. This carb has 2 fuel lines running to it from the fuel tank. One fuel line obviously thicker than the other. Clearly these operate with the Prime/On/Reserve. I wanted to check the Carb is getting enough fuel (and that the filter in the tank wasnt blocked) and found the ONLY the Prime line freely runs fuel from the Tank. (Tap set to Prime) Neither with the fuel line Tap set on either ON or Res will fuel drain from the tank. Odd I thought. I topped up the fuel thinking it was low...but again, no fuel drains from the tank on either the ON or Res position, only Prime. I thought maybe it was blocked in the tank, so I blew up the line (ON and Res) just with mouth pressure seemed blocked, but when I sucked on the fuel line, (Tap set on either ON or Res) fuel started freely running out of the Prime line. (Strangest thing) I thought, wtf does this work on a Vacuum? I'm out of my league on this guys. Should fuel freely drain from the ON and Res as the Prime does or does it work on a vacuum. (This would mean that the Prime Line is infact the main fuel line) Doesn't it. ?? On my last couple of rides, the engine has been hard to start (when hot) Anyone point me in the right direction please. Thank you very much Steve
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