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  1. MADMATEMATT posted a post in a topic in General
    anyone have any good maps for a 2016wr450f or a 2014yz250f? looking for enduro style riding but will have a go at any maps cheers lads, matt
  2. MADMATEMATT replied to beef's post in a topic in The Bar
    good idea. i have a shed night every wed for mates and kids to learn/work on bikes. were all pretty good on the tools but not bike mechanics. not a lot we cant do these days but its good to be teaching the younger generation and also have another set of eyes going over your work anyone in hervey bay area wanting some help let me know
  3. MADMATEMATT posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    hey guys, any of you know a good site to get some maps for my power tuner? i have ordered the tuner but unsure where t get maps? i know the yamaha website has some but surely people have worked out thier own? are they something you input yourself or do you have to dowload off the net onto the tuner itself? cheers for ya help. p.s. will be used on my 2016wr450 and sons 2014yzf250
  4. the bond you applied is for mostly external sealing. more than likely you have a blown seal! if its losing oil and not externally id say you need to pull apart and have a look at your seals. i know it sux doing it all again, i once rebuilt my sons fk60 3 times to find where a left over part went only to have master 7 walk in the shed and identify it as a part off his skooter he had been working on and placed on my bench with all the engine part! aaargh!lol