Everything posted by Alan.Tdm
Also is there an O ring fitted to the threaded part on these units ?
One other cab question is what wear checks if any required for the Choke Plunger unit. Do these ever wear out ?
Okay cheers. Although the carb was ultrasonically cleaned I must admit I never checked the pilot jet size ?
The slow run mixture screw (air screw). The Mukini carb setting is about 1.5 turns out but either fully open or closed does not affect the idle speed much
my DT 125 (LC1) runs okay but the slow run mixture adjustment screw does not respond at all. The carb has standard settings (jets) fitted and the exhaust system is standard fit to ?
- Pipe
- Pipe
- Pipe
- Power
Recommendation from the engine rebuilder who said take it easy for first 100 miles. Top gear is waste of time at the moment as engine has not got enough power to drive top gear. However there is a local company that can test the whole igntion system components so I’ll check this route out
The bike is a DT125 LC 1. At the moment top speed is about 50/55 mph and ‘bogs down’ in top gear on the road. I only rev it to 6 k as still running in. The engine has been fully rebuilt so compression is okay plus seals. I’ve rebuilt the carb and cleaned the fuel supply. Also fitted new reed valves. New sprockets are the correct ratios. The front expansion chamber may be partially carboned up which I can check. The bike was running fine when it was last on the road 20 yrs ago. I read that the igntion coil can degrade with time although the resistance values are in range ?
My newly restored Dt 125 LC 1 is down on power ie not pulling fully in top gear. I’m going through the list of possible causes. One could be a weakened spark. I’ve been told that the igntion coil (flywheel) can degrade with age ? I know the compression/ fuelling/ sprocket ratios are okay. I will clean the front exhaust expansion chamber but it does not seem blocked
Does anyone know where to find out the rear spring, suspension rate specifications. The rear Mono shock spring on my 1985 DT125 LC1 is to soft for my body weight. I've spoken to some UK spring suppliers but they all require the specific spring rate in addition to dimensions etc. At the moment it seems that normal spring was designed for a carry weight of 75 / 80 Kgs but this is as far as Ive got ?
- Jet
Does anyone know the correct method for removing the needle Jet from a Mikuni 24ss carb as fitted to Yamaha DT125 LC 1. The Haynes manual shows that it drops out through the bottom some web sites say it should be punched out through the top ?
- Thread Repair
Thread Repair
Would any of theses fixes work on threads in a alloy Top Yoke ?
- Swing arm
- Tank
- Tank
I was told to keep as much if the original bits as possible although there are not that a great quantity involved. Another diy method is to heat the metal up until its "cherry red" then immerse in old engine oil. Will look at a2a4.com
- Rust
DT125LC 1982 rebuild
Did you have any joy with this. The Synthetic bushes are available so to the grease seals. Maybe the bolt can be straightened ?
- Label
- Label