Everything posted by Spike101uk
Rear sprocket sizes
So plan to replace my front and rear sprocket and chain on my xv125, it uses a stock 13 tooth front and 47 tooth rear, If I replace the rear with a 45 tooth, what what effect will this have on the bike?
Confused about details on my Virago... please help!
Hi I'm confused by this, are you saying all 4RF virago engines where made in ohio by Fayette, as mine is a xv125s and was made in Germany or japan
Stripping tank paint
Cool I'll give that a whirl, cheers
Stripping tank paint
Anyone got any recommendations or tips to completly remove the paint from my tank, I plan to repaint after a satin black
My cursed xv125
Thanks jimmy I'll give it one last go, had it a year and only ridden maybe 8 months out of it
My cursed xv125
So finally got engine to run and now the back wheel is completly seized, and it looks like it's dripping a oil type liquid from the drain hole in my exhaust, Starting to lose hope and the thrill of riding , it's getting too much trying to fight my bike to work on a weekly basis, time to sell her I think
Relay click when pulling in clutch
Yea plan to grt tank off and inspect there work, but I don't have a garage so having to wait for a dry ish day, I've emailed the garage asking for explanation and a full list of work they done, I'm not taking it back there as no longer trust them,
Relay click when pulling in clutch
Dodgy garage messed about with the wiring bike won't even run now runs on half a cylinder reckon they messed with wires from tci to coils too
Relay click when pulling in clutch
Ignition on,
Relay click when pulling in clutch
As title suggests my bike xv125 has recently returned from a bad garage who seemed to make my bike unridable, one thing I have noticed when I pull the clutch in a loud single click is heard from the relays behind side panel, and pretty sure it's from one of the relays, anyone know why it would suddenly start doing this
Gps speedo
Ok so back to first question, how can u wire up that speedo
Gps speedo
Nope jusy got a blue wire and a black wire, assumed the blue was the power and black obviously goes to earth, with the new one could I simply join red and orange wire together and join to blue, so both gps unit and backlight get 12v
Gps speedo
I probably should but don't think I do, the original speedo just had the 2 wires going into it ,
Gps speedo
After all my work and expensive garage time it hasn't worked so now looking at this for a simple almost bolt on option but can't work out how to wire up, my bike only has a power and earth to speedo light not a separate backlight wire. I have an xv125
New speedo idiot lights
Ok I gave up and took it to a garage, not my usual as I've moved but another local bike garage, £192 quid later they have the indicator warning lights working, but nothing else even things that did work, I now have no high beam or neutral light, they left the wires sticking out side of bike in a birds best including 2 open wires just dangling, my bike is sluggish and bogs down pulling away and front brake hardly works, oh and after all that he said he noticed straight away the headlamp wouldn't pass an mot
Upjetting mikuni carb
Is it possible to replace jets in the mikuni carb, that the xv125 and xv250 among others use without taking it off the bike, I'm sure u can remove float bowl without taking off bike,
New speedo idiot lights
Not on my bike the blue wire seems to be the power wire for the majority of the bike, sorta as per wiring diagram but my indicators don't have any blue wires at ached
New speedo idiot lights
Ok I disconnected the green wire and all that happened was the neutral warning light went off, I then swapped green and black wire and thr speedo backlight flashed a lot and blew the turn signal fuse, I mean the red coming from speedo goes to blue coming from the bike On thing that confuses me, the indicators run on a dark green and dark brown wire and the cables u attached yellow wires too are those colours but after the plug with the other warning lights thr wires are all brown but then towards the back of thr bike they are green and brown again, if that makes sense, ill try and get more pics tuesday as not gonna be abe to get out to my bike till then, have to get some weird thing called public transport to work
New speedo idiot lights
The red backlight wire is plugged into a blue wire from bike that carries the power around the bike Was a cheap unit from china via eBay, ill find a link and post it to see if that helps
New speedo idiot lights
Ig on and in neutral I have neutral warning light and indicator warning light on, Indicators on, left and right both flash correct speed, indicator warning light remains on static, Lights on, headlight comes on as does speedo back light, neutral light and indicator warning lights remain on Main beam on the high beam waring light comes on, neutral and indicator warning light remain on, In gear neutral, high beam and indicator warning lights all go off, speedo backlight remains on I really do appreciate your help, it's totally confused me I assumed a straight swap would work
New speedo idiot lights
Stayed on permanently even when putting into gear it stayed on
New speedo idiot lights
Ok swapped the blacks the 3 warning lights came on but the speedo face back light didn't and even in gear the 3 lights still stayed on
New speedo idiot lights
Main beam is connected to yellow and works fine also both yellow are connected to dark green and brown, the warning light then comes on and doesn't go off at all, but as before all thr warning lights go off when put in gear
New speedo idiot lights
Yep the 2nd black wire is connected to an earth
New speedo idiot lights
Right I've connected green from speedo to brown and black to sky blue, the neutral works perfectly, however, when I put into gear the static yellow indicat or light (still to be sorted) and the high beam indicator both go off, and I'm left with an earth wire coming from bike but nothing to attach it too