Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
Thanks for the opinions, that's some really useful info there. I had no idea some styles of bars would have such a negative effect on riding. Toutsuite, how long did it take you to fit the bars and did you need to modify any cabling?
Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
Do you have any photos of them? If you took photos whilst they were fitted then even better
Handlebars - experiences and recommendations
Having had zero experience of changing handlebars, or even sitting on a bike with non-standard bars, I'm after some advice about which after-market bars look both good AND are comfortable. I'm 6'3" and currently my XVS1100 is standard, although I'm considering extending the controls 4-6" forward using the kits from America which are currently on ebay, as I can get a little sore along the crease (between thigh and pelvis) of my right leg. I kinda like the idea of 12" apes but I don't want to modify the cables just yet, so am thinking T-bars or Drag bars. I'm not keen on the look of beach or nostalgia bars. I'm completely open to suggestions though as I don't what other styles are available. Here are some photos of bikes I've been looking at for inspiration (and not just the bars, I like the whole look)...
Customising my XVS1100
Yeah the only thing that puts me off trying apes is the working involved to fit longer cables. After watching a YouTube tutorial I reckon I'd need to set aside half a day at least. My original seat arrived Monday, so yesterday I removed the sissy bar and studded seat. I was shocked at how heavy the sissy bar was! It's a sturdy piece of kit. I also removed those chrome side arches at the same time. The bolts now stick out though so I'll be on the lookout for shorter bolts in go in their place, ideally in black.
Customising my XVS1100
No problem, it helped me learn a little more about the bike Now, is it true some owners twist the standard handlebars upwards rather than fit aftermarket bars? I can't picture if this would look better, or even be more comfortable.
Customising my XVS1100
Well I've bought a Custom pillion pad off of ebay so that should be here soon. Regarding what you said about my main seat looking like it's from a Classic...I thought you might be onto something so I spent a while on Google images trying to compare the differences. I 'think' my main seat is standard though as I eventually found the photo below (but I could be wrong): By luck a guy a work who has a Classic brought it in today so I took a photo of his seat. It looks different to mine, so does this confirm mine is a standard Custom seat?
Customising my XVS1100
Funnily enough the bike came with saddlebags, but they have tassles! I guess I could give them a trim Are the Classic and Custom pillion seats different? There are a couple on ebay at the moment but they don't look quite the same. I don't really have the means to fabricate things myself, nor do any welding, which I guess limits how much I can do! I'll post some pics up later of bikes I want to pinch ideas from.
Customising my XVS1100
I'm looking at getting a set of these which move the pegs/controls 6" forward (they also do a 4" version): http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171717421186?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Has anyone got these fitted? Or, is anyone interested in them too? Perhaps I can ask the seller for a bulk discount if we get enough people interested, plus we'll be able to save on postage fees as they are coming from the US.
Customising my XVS1100
Having owned my XVS for just over a month now, it's time to start making some changes as I'm not a fan of all the chrome, so am after some guidance really as to how best achieve this without breaking the bank...if that's possible! I'm unsure about how to modify the rear. I'd like to get rid of that horrible huge back mudguard (or fender as some prefer), and replace it with something smaller and lower in gloss black. My girlfriend sometimes goes on the back, so I'd like to retain a neat pillion seat of sorts, just not the studded YMCA cushion and sissy bar it has fitted at present! If I can find something that's easy to swap so provides a seat for her on the odd occasion, but then comes off and has no pillion seat to give a bobber look, then even better. Any suggestions? I'm thinking I'd also like to go with a side-mounted licence plate, small black indicators, black mirrors and different handlebars (although I've no experience of dragbars or ape hangers). I might also move the foot controls forward a few inches. This is how she currently looks: This was the bike that steered me towards the XVS, although I won't be going this extreme with mine! Cheers!
Back to biking and Yamahas.
Hello everyone, I thought I'd pop a post here as my original joining post was in the Cutoms section. As of the end of February I am now the proud owner of a BEAUTIFUL XVS 1100 Custom. It's been a while since I last owned a bike (10 years, and even longer since my last Yamaha, a Diversion!) as where I've been living had nowhere to store one safely, but now I've moved and have a garage I thought it only right I fill it with things that bring me joy. It'll also give my Dad someone else to go out with, as he's just bought a Valkyrie. The XVS at the moment has a bit too much bling for my liking so I'm planning on customising it slightly. I'll be posting some question separately on that! I'm looking forward to learning more about the bike, the wealth of knowledge on here and what the club has to offer Dan.
Just bought my first custom! Plus exhaust/insurance question
Thanks for the welcome and all the info guys, there are some good tips there which I'll take on board. As requested, here's a photo of the beauty:
ElectroDan changed their profile photo
Just bought my first custom! Plus exhaust/insurance question
Hello everyone, As of yesterday I am now the proud owner of a BEAUTIFUL XVS 1100 Custom in red/black. It's been a while since I last owned a bike (10 years!) as where I've been living had nowhere to keep a bike, but now I've moved and have a garage I thought it only right I fill it with things that bring me joy. It'll also give my Dad someone else to go out with, as he's just bought a Valkyrie. A question I wanted to ask, as I need to get insurance sorted, is does anyone know if a Remus exhaust system adds bhp or does it just create the wonderful sound I first experienced on the test ride? It seems some insurers won't insure the bike if the exhaust adds power, but if it doesn't I can bag a cheaper deal. I also need to invest in a disc lock for the rear. I was thinking of getting a Mammoth, Oxford or Xena lock as Thatcham approved. Anyone had any problems with getting them to fit? I'll be getting a chain/padlock and anchor point for home but want a disc lock for carrying around. Cheers!