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Everything posted by Azza87

  1. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Sorry I must of missed the post I wouldn't deliberately not answer it wasn't intentional I do have a full loom well I did lol I kind of hacked the bits off that I knew wet defiantly relivant but then someone mentioned a relay and maybe the side stand switch sothough i was doing well but now not so sure apologies again neversaydie
  2. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    ill go take some pics now thanks
  3. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Oh I have the whole lot of different bits what should it look like
  4. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Does this look right for mine 2004 thanks
  5. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Thanks that does sound quite easy actually how do I connect electric start into the equation sorry to be a pain
  6. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Ok I'll start from the top I bought the bike last year in pieces off a freind. I had to buy radiator and bracket, frame, suspension linkage and had to get Yamaha to put bearings in £130 and pegs gear shifter and other bling you bits I spent all Christmas putting it together and looks great so the loom was in bits so looked at a post on here by a guy called 'vez' and said you only need the basic things so decided to try and build one my self not the greatest ideas I've spent hours looking at the diagram and managed to cut the relevant pieces off the loom I think all I need to know is how to join the circuit as such I'm frustrated now weather going to get better pretty soon and want to get out as soon as she's done thanks Aaron
  7. Azza87 replied to Azza87's post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    I googled it for DTR125 and copied it all into 2 A3 sheets of paper (took a few days haha) but I just don't understand it or where to start. ive googled for hours so hoped I could get some advice from the experts Aaron
  8. Azza87 posted a post in a topic in Dual Sport, Offroad Bikes
    Hi all, following on from my last post about my electrics, I've now found out that I need to re-wire the stator plate, CDI, regulator/rectifier and ignition coil together. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance Aaron
  9. Lool i have the Haynes but I don't understand it properly I just need enough electrics to run it I have all components but don't know what to wire up were
  10. Thanks for that will say hello. just getting used to all this. i purchased it all in bits but had to spend a lot on it to get it up to scratch. I've been off roading for about a year on different bikes and quads and decided to do a project of my own. Appreciate the feedback thank you.
  11. Azza87 posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi there, my name is Aaron and I've spent the last year building a Yamaha DTR125 from scratch. I have come on here to get some help with a few things, so hope you good people can give me some advice. Have a great day and hope to hear from you soon. Aaron
  12. Hi everyone. hope I'm posting this in the right place. Ive built a DTR 125 and completed the mechanical side but struggling to do the electrics. I want it for off road use and need to understand the components I need so it runs and I am unsure what to do with the YPS. Could anyone help please? kind regards Aaron