Everything posted by Pee
The bobber build XVS 650
Thanks. It surprised me. Definitely makes you feel like you've done a good job. Literally i couldn't believe it. I have little bits of paint flaking off in places where ive just sprayed it without any prep or a temporary brake lever that doesnt match. Anyone riding to any shows this year? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
So i havent been on here in a while but the bikes pretty much there. Went to the bum in the mud rally at mersea island last weekend We Travelled up Friday night in the pissing rain, hit an 8" pothole which has busted something up front. Great start. Carry on the bikes fine, started to get cold and more wet... Then when we finally arrived i opened my bag to get changed into the dry clothes i took turns out the bottom of my bag was soaked! great. Anyway we set the tent up and went for a well earned pint. Great band playing khushty. After a few we hit the sack. This morning i got up and stood in the disabled toilet drying my fresh soaked socks for 25 minutes, hit the cafe for some grub. I got chatting to a guy with a similar bike about his bars and what not. Absolutely stunning bike. He said about riding over to the show. "Ahh na I'm alright my bikes not to that standard" I reply. "What have you got to loose" sod it so i parked it in the field. I thought well at least when back street heros take photos itll be in the background in their mag... I come back to find not only is this my first rally but I've only gone and won best custom!!!!!!!
Project hakka
Too right. When did you pay for it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
So the bike is 90% there now. Just a few touches to finish her. Got my new levers fitted with new grips, also managed to wire the indicator switches in. What a pain in the ass! Got her running but shes a little lumpy as ive got open filters on her. So a little tune is a must. Finished the seat off nicely. Ill let the photos do the talking. So the last bits to finish her off are brake light which im not sure on yet. Whether to fit another 2 bullets on with double filament bulbs in or have the one offset on the plate. Foot pegs which im not sure on yet And a bracket for the back to be used to carry my bike and for strapping my tent and what not on for rallies! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk This is a video of its first run. She cut out because i forgot to turn on the fuel dohh! And this is before i recovered the seat [emoji106]? https://vimeo.com/154514706 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Have you by any chance got any photos with them off? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Spent a few hours in the garage tonight. Finished a few bits off. Tried starting her tonight. No start. Ive got a spark. So no fuel. Ill take the carbs off and see what ive done wrong tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Lol. I swore like fuck. With No luck haha. How do they fit without scratching? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
xvs950 rebuild
Mate that is amazing. Id love to have the fabrication skill you have. [emoji1591] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
It does mate cheers. Ive got to soak the exhaust manifold bolts first as they have rusted to shit. Best way to remove the plastic covers on the rockers? Ive tried before and they seamed like they wasn't coming out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Anyone know ruffly how long it would take to remove the engine? Id it a hard job? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Project Jennifer
Haha. If there are any big shows down that way i might fly down and say hi [emoji106]🏻 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Project hakka
Looking good buddy. I love how clean the engine looks. Id love to pull my engine out and give her a makeover but with show season starting soon i cant be bothered. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Right a little update I've decided not to go down the sprung seat route and make my own seat. The base is all made up and in shape now so just needs covering. Also got my indicators fitted and wired up. Took my caliper, master cylinder and clutch lever to a pals and sandblasted them then gave them a fresh lick of paint and fitted the new braided hose and bled the system. And finally got my plate fitted. Ive replaced the fuel hose with a nice clear hose which my clamps don't fit so have to get a new set so i can start her up. Not much left to do now. Rear light, Clutch lever, Brake lever, Grips, Tyres, Foot pegs. Shes had fresh oil & filter, diff oil, Fuel filter & plugs, Brake fluid, and air filters. She should run like a dream. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Project Jennifer
Ahh shame. I would muck in and lend a hand. Im in london. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Project Jennifer
You need to get on it again bud. Where are you from? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Project hakka
Pictures or it never happened [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Cheers noise. The seat is not staying im fitting the usual sprung seat but going to recover it. [emoji106]🏻 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Cheers bud i love it too. Was going to get a led projector instead of the headlight. But think it'll look too tacky. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Postman turned up. Wrong bloody oil filter!!!!! Because my bike has has the oil filter relocation kit fitted its a different oil filter! I was looking forward to filling her up with oil. Oh well. And i fitted the number plate bracket i was too impatient haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1983 Yamaha TR1
Looking good mate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Yeah i have. When i apply the brake it'll leave a crisp line around it. No mess really. Wont ruin the pads. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
So a little update on my progress ive drained the oil out and removed some of the covers and cleaned them up. Ive replaced all the shit old bolts with shiney new stainless steel ones. And while these where off i have given the engine a fresh lick of paint too. While the covers where off and drying i removed all the exhaust guards and wrapped the exhausts I removed the forks and wheel and gave them a fresh lick of black paint. While these where drying I refurbished the calliper although im not sure on the colour at the moment. May change it. Then the back got rebuilt. Cleaned the drum out and made sure the shoes where good. I found a place for my help for heros band! The headlight got a lick of brass paint which i have a few additions to be brass Polished the brake lever waiting my new pegs Ive stuck my stickers to the tank And here she is now. So im waiting for oil, oil filter, fuel filter, diff oil, tyres, seat and springs, number plates, throttle sleeve, cover, grips, brake line, brake fluid, rear brake light, indicators, carb kit, and a few extra bits now. Some of which i havent ordered. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Haha well they havent seen it yet. But they will indeed take the piss. But i give as good as i get. Where do you live bud? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk The postman turned up today with some more bits for me. When i was stripping the carbs down for cleaning the screws were rounded of so they turned up today. So starting the rebuild. Not finished yet but starting to look much better. Im not fitting anything until the weekend or tomorrow as im getting inpatient haha. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
No problem bud. Your tr1 looks smashing. Cant wait to see that finished. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
It's supposed to be the cable you sleeve but its got leeway both ways. It shrinks around it. I bought the 13mm roll and it's capable of hugging 2 throttle cables and also capable of hugging 2 3mm cables. Great stuff couldn't recommend it more. http://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/380952353553 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Defiantly. They have gone in my dads garage for his bike. Haha. Didnt get anything done tonight just measuring up for individual air filters and foot pegs. The postman arrived too which is a bonus. Ill upload as many photos as i can. Just a tip for anyone dont ever try and sell things to someone in a different country speaking a different language. A guy in greece is trying to buy most of the chrome that ive ripped off and he doesnt speak very well English. Really hard and frustrating [emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The bobber build XVS 650
Hi guys, ive had a shed load of cars now im moving into bikes. Ive been brought up around them so its about time i started building a bobber. Some of my mates are apart of the vikings M.C. So hopefully ill be able to build a cracking bike. Ive had bikes before but this will be my first custom. The day i picked her up. So first things first i whipped the fenders off. Such an improvement already. I then started to remove all the chrome and respray some of them black. To see what they where like. Ill remove them and spray them black properly soon. My plans are to have as little on the bars as possible so switch relocation was next up. Ive fitted the horn next to the ignition barrel Will be painted properly soon. As for the lights i have a secret idea so a side light isn't needed so i have wired the light switch down under the seat along with my new start button. Cutting the loom and re-running it was a headache but its worth it. Once all the loom was run and i was happy with it i wrapped the cables to improve the look of them. Ive also wrapped the ht leads too. While waiting for parts to be delivered I've started to clean the carbs Turns out that whoever has messed about with them has munched up a few of the screws so i cant clean the right carb. New screws on order then i can drill the screws out. While the carbs where off i found that the rubber boots are cracked beyond belief. May be why she didn't run right. Best order a few of them too. Thats all of my progress yet. All feedback is appreciated. I found this on the internet basically the idea of where I'm heading but with a twist Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk