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  1. Derekm posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    2007 XVS 1100 Classic. Front downpipe could do with re-chroming. Just had the pipe off for an oil & filter change and found that there is the front chromed section and under the heat shield, the rear section, which fits inside the front, is black. Is this rear part removable or is it welded in place please? I don't want to start braying on it if it is welded!
  2. Derekm replied to Sharonb's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Quite happy. The towbars on my last 4 cars had their electrics connected with Scotchlocks and there was never a problem. Exposed to the elements I could understand, but protected inside the vehicle or light unit is OK for me.
  3. Derekm replied to Sharonb's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    The strobes aren't that bright and they're mounted inside the red cover with the standard bulb. Easy to cover with tape for MOT if needed. What's wrong with Scotchlocks at 12 volts and near zero current?
  4. Derekm replied to Sharonb's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Received the above lights a couple of days ago. Excellent & well finished. Machined aluminium and a very bright light. Recommended. Also for anyone interested, strobe stop lights, fitted in 15 minutes inside the rear lamp cover. Derisory price of £1.40!!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201562727306?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Easily fitted with one snap connector like these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/QUICK-SPLICE-SCOTCH-LOCK-WIRE-CONNECTORS-ELECTRICAL-CRIMP-TERMINALS-CABLE-SNAP-/200995966830?var=&hash=item2ecc4b0f6e:m:mo72eqYlLRJxLJzptlPHt4Q
  5. Derekm replied to Sharonb's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Just ordered a pair of these for my V Star 1100, but they haven't arrived yet so can't comment. They only use 5 watts each, so won't take anything out of your battery. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222211306963?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. When I first posted the question, I wasn't intending checking the clearances for a few days, hence didn't want to bother with removing plug covers, plugs, jacking up the bike etc.. Not having redone tappets on a bike for 50 years, on my T100 as a teenager, I was trying to get everything sorted in my head in advance!
  7. Because there were no early replies, I did it the "hard" way (!). Plugs out, into 3rd and turned rear wheel forwards. Engine turns clockwise; Clymer is right (unsurprisingly).
  8. I have a Clymer manual for the bike & it says to turn the engine clockwise (looking from nearside) to get TDCs and align timing marks. Looking on YouTube, the clip below says to turn anticlockwise. Which is correct please?
  9. Derekm replied to Derekm's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Thanks, I'll do that.
  10. Derekm posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Does anyone know of a UK source of lower wind deflectors for a V Star 1100 please? Everything I've come across so far has been in the USA with silly postal charges!
  11. Derekm posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    I'm curious. Do both cylinders fire on the same revolution or on alternate revolutions? Ditto for the Harleys, as they seem to have a different sound.
  12. The book says Yamalube 4 10W30 or 20W40, but no mention of type. Yam do mineral, semi-synth & full synth. and unfortunately, their prices are rather "imaginative". Yam don't make oils, so what are their oils exactly? I know about avoiding many car oils, because of friction reducing additives & clutch slip, but my local dealer said he recently serviced a VS 1100 for a customer, used their stock, branded motorcycle specific oil (don't remember the brand) and the customer came back complaining of clutch slip. In my previous 2 machines, Suzuki Katana 650 and Bonneville 850, I used Unipart semi-synth and had no problems, but the clutch slip phenomena seems to be a trait of V Stars & Viragos as I understand things. Advice from long term V Star owners appreciated.
  13. Have you got a link or a web address for your German supplier please?
  14. Cheers guys. With some tyres lasting 5k or less and others running to 15k, one wonders how the hell they manage to sell the high wear ones, especially for cruisers & tourers. The powers of marketing I guess.
  15. Thanks for that TM. You've confirmed my gut feeling, but with a heavy cruiser being so different from a sports bike, I felt it wise to ask. Before my Bonny I had a 650 Katana. The original Bridgestones lasted 5.2k and the bike dropped into corners badly. Replaced with Pirelli Phantoms (spit!). Dropped in just as bad and worn out in 2.5k!!!! Avon RoadRiders next, just before selling. Seemed to wear really well and handling was perfect & neutral.