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Everything posted by Malleus

  1. These are not the discounts you are looking for . I have been resisting the urge to post the link to the correct site in case it somehow makes more traffic come here. But here is an image of the url: (That is assuming you are here for the discount that everyone is always looking for)
  2. Malleus replied to WillyBeez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Oh well - have at it then! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/10905615/Why-I-miss-riding-a-motorbike-without-a-helmet.html remembered where I read it - interesting read overall - but I obviously did not remember the 'magistrates may soon be able to fine up to £2000)
  3. Malleus replied to Lemming's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi, Welcome to the YOC
  4. Hi Gabe, welcome. I would say time and experience are all you need. I have not been riding long and still very much consider myself a novice. I don't think there are any shortcuts to becoming a better rider, just take it easy, be safe, be confident (not over confident though!) and practice. Maybe try and get started with training for full license as soon as you have a chance. I know I picked up a few of bad habits on L's which I had to unlearn before passing full.
  5. Malleus replied to WillyBeez's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Will, welcome. Not to be the kill joy, I have certainly been tempted on a hot day.. but even a quick spin round the block on a 125 without a helmet is risky - (head meets pavement etc) and probably worse is the ridiculous fines imposed if you are caught without one..(up to £2000 I think I read?)
  6. Malleus replied to Len Doyle's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    https://www.motorcyclespareparts.eu/yamaha-parts/motorcycles/xtz660-tenere-1991.aspx (Says 1991 - might not be the exact model!) Not sure if this site will have anything you need. It is fairly good for new parts and bits that are fairly generic. With the more unique bits (plastics - fuel tanks) it says 'Check availability' - not sure if you could get lucky there or not, probably more likely not. But thought I would throw it out there.
  7. Malleus replied to Jack R1's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    TR1 is looking great!
  8. ah yea, I can see what you mean all the weight would be on the lever rather than bar end. Didn't consider that.
  9. Is it just me or does the brake lever look 'too bent' as it almost like that has been done on purpose? I've hit the floor twice now () at between 20-30 mph and my lever as never gone full circle. Maybe it is just the angle.. not sure why I picked up on this, just seemed odd. Not sure I'd want to be driving in that weather though!
  10. Malleus replied to stevow's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello and good luck with the project!
  11. Malleus replied to Spike101uk's post in a topic in The Bar
    Don't know how much time I have wasted by not following the above advice!
  12. Malleus replied to Malleus's post in a topic in General
    Like I said I honestly dont know either way. So im in the weird position of not knowing myself, and not having convincing evidence. If the picture showed me going round it I would have just paid up. I pass here everyday so what happens when they send a similar picture and I know for a fact I did pass on the correct side. dont want to set a precedent. So yea will challenge it until I am sure. Ive been on a few similar forums. Will check it out. Either way it is kind of a piss take, £20/30-40/60 - alright - but £65-130.
  13. Malleus replied to Spike101uk's post in a topic in The Bar
    Not sure which bolts you mean, but try release oil, heat and a bit of tapping. If they are knackered they will have to be drilled out and replaced. Should be able to buy bolts from any hardware store.
  14. Malleus replied to Malleus's post in a topic in General
    It is shit quality. Original is not much better. But first pic shows approaching the sign on the crossing ( I am slightly to the right, but always will be as I don't really want to be close to cars). Second pic shows me about 50 meters down the road! I can't tell which way I went. From the pic I could have just as easily flicked round the inside of the sign and continued filtering down the road. If it is automated it may have picked this up as I am over the line? Couldn't see the camera today. Already sent out letter asking that they provide actual evidence of this happening. See what happens. On the council website it says: If we reject your appeal, you can: take your appeal to an independent adjudicator. We will tell you how to do this in our letter. or pay the fine. The payment due will be the full payment rate, because the 14 day discount period will have elapsed. Pay your fine now {link} To me seems like a f*&#ing pisstake, basically if you dare to challenge we will make you pay more because we will not respond within the deadline. Which also seems to contradict what it says in the letter. Hey ho
  15. Malleus replied to Grouch's post in a topic in The Bar
    I had a look at those alarms, tons of features and i like the remotes. But some features do seem a bit unsafe. Like remote start.. seems like it kind of reduces security overall, as well as having to disable immob as mentioned, if you drop your key, thieves dont even need to work out which vehicle it belongs to, press a button, off they go! I especially like the remote 'anti hijack' feature, where you can kill the engine remotely. But as above also worried this could go wrong! Also is that legal? haha. Additional feature I would like to see; metal wiring in the seat to deliver electric shocks to would be thieves..,
  16. Malleus replied to insomniac jack's post in a topic in The Bar
    I have no answers. But post pictures Also good to go to new members area and introduce yourself. Lets people know that you didnt just post this and run away, which happens a lot, so members are reluctant to spend time and effort giving advice if the OP never comes back! Good luck, sounds like it could be a good project.
  17. Malleus replied to Malleus's post in a topic in General
    thanks both. If they will stop counting the days to price increase then I will send out a letter tomorrow and give them a call to discuss. I have done some reading on CAB website and stuff, just really not what I wanted to spend the weekend doing. I imagine a lot of people have received these as I see people going around the sign constantly!
  18. Malleus posted a post in a topic in General
    So I have been back on the road a month or so. This morning I wake up to a lovely brown letter falling through my door. 'The alleged contravention of 38j;Failing to comply with a sign indicating that vehicular traffic must pass to the specified side of the sign.' I can either pay £65 now or appeal and possibly end up paying £130. They have sent through 2 images. One shows me filtering down past traffic, second shows me about 40 meters further down the road.. still filtering past traffic. Neither shows me passing the sign on the incorrect side. Does anyone think that is grounds for appeal? Should I just pay and get it out the way? I can honestly say I have no idea whether I did pass the sign on the wrong side, (pictures are 3 weeks old!!) there is a land rover blocking the crossing (a traffic offence also no? would love to see cameras up at every crossing for this... councils would make a ton) but for once it seems that it has left plenty of room for me to pass on the correct side and I have definitely squeezed through smaller spaces in the interests of complying with 'the law' and with less concerns for my own safety! if anyone has experience dealing with these, any advice would be appreaciated
  19. Malleus replied to Azyong's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hello and welcome to the YOC
  20. Malleus replied to Petethefeet's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Hi Pete. Welcome to the YOC.
  21. Malleus replied to colindavey's post in a topic in General
    Hi Colin, welcome to YOC. It is good to head over the new members section and introduce yourself. In answer to your question - check the part numbers. I think the exhaust has remained largely the same since at least 2008.
  22. Malleus replied to William withrow's post in a topic in Classics
    Hi William, Welcome to YOC. It is good to head over to new members section and introduce yourself as a new member. Also would be useful to describe the problem a bit more and any steps you have taken to resolve it. From what you say about it being in a rain storm my guess would be an electrical problem? But I'm not an expert, but there are plenty of DT owners out there who may be able to help.
  23. Malleus replied to jimmysheffield's post in a topic in The Bar
    I would also say go for full test. Do you know what bikes they use for each test? Im not sure about parts, but if you search for some online it should be apparent. I'd imagine they won't be hard to get. I buy all mine from the Netherlands. Save a fair bit paying in euros.
  24. Malleus replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Congrats.. Not really sure what it entails as I was always told scouts were the enemy in the ATC... sounds good though.