Everything posted by Malleus
New kid in town
Hello and welcome to the YOC
Route through London?
Let us know how the ride goes. I think it is crazy driving here but would be good to get a second opinion.
Route through London?
Hi Slice, sorry to hear that. I think it depends how far south, if you are going very south, more 'greater London' probably quicker and easier to go via M25. If it is fairly central South the M4 should go straight into an A road through London. I drive in London everyday and I would say filtering down unfamiliar roads is a bit daunting (for me anyway - obviously less experience behind me!) but routes I know are fine. The worst things in the very center are one way systems, road works, generally stupid road layouts, huge lorries and HGVs and pretty much driving anywhere during rush hour - but of course on a bike it is not that bad as you are one of the few vehicles moving. Most bus lanes are useable, but you have to check the sign at the entrance. They are pretty shitty about removing motorcycle access in weird places - where they also happen to have traffic cameras. There is a bus lane which no bikes are allowed in I pass everyday with cameras which is actually shorter than the length of a bus...
new member
Hi, Welcome in!
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
It is shit, but I would rather police backed off, than we get to a situation where they are so afraid of everyone that you are getting shot whilst reaching for your wallet at a traffic stop - or they are tasing 9 year old girls. The real problem here is the failed social system and parents who either cannot or are not willing to teach their kids properly. They are the ones who should be putting fear in to these scum and 'correcting' them
Yamaha mt125a engine rattle help
Hi, Welcome to the YoC. Before asking for advice it is good to head over the 'new members section' and just say hi and introduce yourself a little. Members have given some sound advice on general diagnoses of this type of problem here - https://yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/43598-sr125-engine-rattle/#comment-277196) so probably best to read through. My rattle was from the cam chain - it was around 3-4k revs and noticeable at idle. Also not a mechanic, but if it is loosing oil - every few weeks - it has to be going somewhere and that can't be a good thing. It must still be under warranty - if there is a problem - make them fix it!
Review: Lightning LS218 - the world's fastest superbike is electric
Looks cool, that rear sprocket is huge!
- New ride!
Bike Selling Etiquette (update: SOLD!!!)
Yea scam - I had almost the exact same story when selling mine. Maybe you will have better luck as the weather is nicer now - but I ended up just letting the dealer buy - significantly less than a private sale but significantly more than I was willing to except anyway.
XT125R 2008
Not sure exactly what you mean - But I would assume if it is coming from the fuel tap it would be the fuel gauge? I would test all obvious things like lights to see if they are working. Try and get hold of a service manual with wiring diagrams.
New Member
Hi Paul, Welcome. Good luck!
- New ride!
- New ride!
Saying Hello
Hi Alan Welcome
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
So just as an update. Having changed oil and coolant, started up no rattling. After 30/40 mins of riding a very slight rattle though not sure if now I am just listening out for it more. But no idea whether it is resolved. Having read about others who tried to get this addressed under warranty some dealers apparently just did an oil change which solved the rattling temporarily. Will see if it comes back. Got a slot booked in with dealer and will see if I can get a discounted replacement CCT. And also should say - there was no weird stuff in the oil! My bad - was just rushing too much! Seeing things..(In case someone does have an issue with contaminated oil and comes here looking for solution)
YBR clutch
I noticed this on YBR. I just lived with it. I don't think any bikes are gonna be perfect. All will have their quirks
Just saying hello
Hi Josh, Welcome to the YOC.
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
After checking videos of people with similar 'rattling sounds' I am fairly certain it is coming from cam chain and is most likely due to the tensioner. Now I don't know anything about this, but from what I have read these auto tensioners can be affected by oil pressure - so will double check that and change anyway. Not sure when the filter was last changed so that is probably good to go anyway. I cant find any info on an official recall but apparently those who bought these bikes new have had these replaced when they started rattling - looking at the part number if I buy this I will actually get the 4th version so that seems like a lot of changes to a part over less than 3 years. But if there is no official recall I imagine it is safe to drive and will not damage the engine? Will have a word with the dealer anyway and see if I can get a freebie
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
Hmmm.. I was pretty certain I could see the bubble at the top in a clearish liquid and then black at the bottom. When I have put it flat on the stand when I got back it did seem all black.. but it is raised now so oil is above max on sight glass. It's late 2013, 3k miles. I will heat it up a bit and double check tomorrow or Sunday. (Too much work today and there is beer to drink now) It is possible that I am seeing correlation where there is none. Someone mentioned there are issues with cam chain tensioner rattling (apparently yamaha are on 3rd or 4th version of the part) will look at this also.
New member
Hi Josh, Welcome to the YOC
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
Thanks will have a look - good point - if there is water in the oil I should be able to see it! Coolant level seems to have stayed the same. But I suppose if it has only just started leaking I would not notice. Update: So my plan atm is to take it home, drain oil ASAP to avoid any damage if coolant is floating about. Check drained oil for contaminants/ oil filter. Drain and flush coolant reservoir and radiator and check if any liquid is draining into engine casing. Replace oil/oil filter and coolant. If anyone thinks I should take any extra steps/am missing anything let me know!
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
Hi Slice. Thanks for the advice. Is there an obvious way to check for a water leak? I am happy draining, replacing oil etc. Once it is all out would a leak be obvious? Change was last done in February when the cover was changed. Temps did not seem to be up. I noticed this after leaving bike in underground car park whilst I was away. It was pretty dusty but don't think this could have made its way into the oil. Will try and see if I can pick up some oil and a filter today.
Weird noise from transmission/two tone oil -MT09
So I have not had much time to trouble shoot this, but any pointers appreciated. (sorry it is another 'weird noise' question) On idle the engine seems to make a noise that is slightly 'gritty' - kind of like a dried pea is in there. Between 3-4k revs it makes a kind of grating sound. Initially I checked coolant and engine oil when I arrived at work after it had warmed up. The oil was two colours - is this normal? Black on the bottom and clear on top. Don't think I have seen this before. Is something else leaking in there? (Not possible right - as clutch/gears all share the same oil - yes... I am inept when it comes to most stuff inside the engine ) - Other than the noise there is no difference in performance. I do have another issue with battery but I will leave that for another day! I would also mention that the stator cover was recently changed (which I thought may be causing my battery issue) but could it also be linked to this in some way. (Again I have no clue what goes on in there really - beyond my very basic understanding of electricity/magnetism and combustion engines....)
Back to biking and Yamahas.
Welcome to the YOC. I look forward to your customisation taking shape. Good luck!
Summer bikers
Apparently in France the *ahem* 'motorcycling community' (substitute with w/e name you want) wave all the time. I think that is pretty cool. I have found my 2 wheeled comrades to be much more friendly in the North. I would say it is most likely due to the fact that it is simply nicer to ride there/people are less infuriated. To be honest I am not exactly friendly filtering through Central London traffic at 7am - most likely you will simply here some 'swearing *grumble grumble* GTFO of the way lorry - how can you be allowed to drive such a monstrosity of a vehicle during rush hour etc'. and most people I hear are saying the same... occasionally sharing the same disapproving glance with my fellow motorcyclists when we both ask ourselves 'WTF is that guy doing.' Last week a car decided to change lane and then turn with no signal whatsoever almost causing a collision- the guy behind me caught up to him, gave him the finger and beeped about 10 times. Not exactly a nod but his expression of anger was appreciated haha.. (Usually less swearing and grumbling on my days off)